Promoting Green Transformation in the Pacific
Green Transformation Initiative

Implementing Agency



About the Project
The Vanuatu Green Transformation (VGET) project is part of a Japan-funded more than US $37 million Green Transformation initiative, which is also supporting Papua New Guinea, Timor-Leste, and Samoa to help accelerate their transition to a green and low-carbon future. US$ 4.62 million of these funds have been allocated to Vanuatu.
Vanuatu’s 2017 census indicates that 71 percent of the nation’s roughly 280,000 people lack access to electricity. As per the census, over half of those off-grid households have no access to power besides a solar lantern. In its National Energy Road Map (NERM), the country aims to achieve 100 percent electrification with renewable energy by 2030.
Through the Pacific Green Transformation Project, pico-hydro power stations will be established at Waterfall, Melsisi, and Larimat on Pentecost Island to provide reliable energy sources in communities and also to contribute to the government’s efforts in achieving its NERM commitment benefiting 2,366 people directly and 6,000 indirectly.
Key Issues

According to the latest Utilities Regulatory Authority (URA) energy update, 80% of the concession area's energy source is non-renewable or diesel.
According to the Post PAM Mini-Census Report, only 30% of the population have access to a reliable energy source, and 70%, including those in remote rural areas, need more access to secure and reliable energy services.
Vanuatu’s 2017 census indicates that 71% of the nation’s roughly 300,000 people lack access to grid electricity.
Key Planned Objectives
- To contribute to the achievement of the National Energy Road Map (NERM), i.e. 100% electrification with renewable energy by 2030, through the installation of at least 3 pico hydro projects·
- To increase access to clean energy in remote off-grid areas of Vanuatu and strengthen resilience of rural communities through renewable energy sources·
- To ensure operational sustainability of the newly installed renewable energy systems through strengthened capacity of national and local government in operation and maintenance
Project Development and Planning:
- Site Assessments: Eight remote locations were assessed for pico hydro potential between March 15 and April 15, 2024. Four sites were identified as suitable for further development, while the remaining four required additional investigation.
- Detailed Design: Detailed designs for the four priority sites were developed from May 1 to June 30, 2024, in close collaboration with the Department of Energy and local stakeholders. The designs included expanding electrical networks to reach nearby communities.
- Environmental and Social Management Plans: Site-specific plans were completed between July 1 and November 30, 2024, outlining measures to address potential environmental and social impacts. These plans built upon the results of Environmental and Social Impact Assessments conducted in December 2023.
- Permits: The Environment Permits and Water Works Permits were received on September 15, 2024, allowing for civil construction and water works at the four sites.
- Invitation to Bid: The ITB for constructing pico hydro systems was published in April 2024 inviting bids for the three priority sites (Waterfall, Melsisi, and Larimaat) and an additional site (Nambwarangiut) as a backup.
Project Implementation:
- Community Engagement: Another round of community visits were conducted from July 11 to 19, 2024, to assess energy needs and willingness to pay. The data collected was analysed to inform the project design and implementation.
- Contract Signing: A contract was signed with ENCO Private Limited on August 26, 2024, for the construction of hydropower systems at Waterfall and Melsisi sites.
- Contractor Mobilization: The contractor mobilized to Vanuatu on October 20, 2024, and set to begin site establishment, control point creation, topography surveys, and powerhouse design by November 30, 2024.
- Performance Guarantees: The contractor provided performance guarantees to Fiji CO on September 30, 2024, committing to complete construction on time and with zero defects, monitored over a year post completion in August 2025.
- Larimaat ITB: The evaluation of the Larimaat Pico Hydro project's Invitation to Bid (ITB) has been finalized. The evaluation case will now be submitted to UNDP's Procurement Oversight and Procurement Review Committees for review and endorsement. Following their approval, the contract is expected to be issued in November 2024.
Capacity Development and Planning:
- Socio-Economic Evaluability Assessment: The SEEA was conducted by a third-party evaluator in September 2024. The report will assess the project's contribution to climate targets and the protection of vulnerable communities.
- Capacity Development Plan: The development of the capacity development plan, including its detailed action plan, is expected to be completed by November 30, 2024. The plan underwent a stakeholder consultation in August 2024.
- Community-Based Management System: The development of the CBMS for managing and operating the three sites, including a prepaid voucher system, is expected to be finalized by November 30, 2024.
Expected Outcomes
Impact Stories
February 2023
December 2025
Government of Japan
2023 $64,423
2024 $346,386
Photo Gallery
Contact Information
Vanuatu Green Transformation Project (VGET)
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations Joint Presence Office
Level 4, Reserve Bank of Vanuatu
Rue Mercet, Port Vila, Vanuatu
Tel: (678) 27709
Mobile: (678) 5507278/ 5545236