Knitting the way to success - a testament to the power of the human spirit and the ability to overcome adversity
November 29, 2024

When you first visit mountainous town of Makedonska Kamenica - a small traditional mining community in Eastern part of the country, you are amazed by a well-organized community, beautiful nature and most of all, by the hard working and committed people.
Maja Ilievska, a 35 y.o artisan is one of them.
As hand work is deeply rooted in the tradition around the country, this young woman was always fond of doing something “creative with her hands…”.
“I was always very good with hand work, and I really enjoyed creating staff out of nothing… old woolen, used pattens of cloths. Because of my mobility issues, I used to stay most of the time at home, so doing a hand work was my favorite occupation and something to looking forward to…” – Maja starts her story.

After many years spend in Italy for medical reasons, she finally came back home with an idea in her pocket. A home – based small artisan business for unique handmade accessories! With a brand name carrying her capital letter “M” and heart full of hopes and fears, she applied on the Open Call within the Self-Employment programme in the Employment Center in her town.
With the support from programme for people with disabilities, Maja received the much-needed funds to purchase materials and equipment to start her work and be ready to run her own business. Slowly, but surely her dream was becoming true.
“I have never had doubts whether I will be successful or not. I have a constant support from my family, and I was aware of the great opportunity to realize my full potential while becoming financially independent. After many years unformal work, now I am formally self- employed owner of a small business!”

Within the Programme, Maja receives business mentorship support to guide her further in business planning, branding, and exploring new market possibilities for her business, as well as to ensure stability, resilience, and potential for future growth.
During the engagement as a business mentor, Suzana Trajkovska-Kochankovska – a certified business mentor for small and medium enterprises, observed that resilience and determination are two powerful qualities that often emerge in the business ideas of people with disabilities.
“Achievements of individuals but also challenging societal perceptions and misconceptions surrounding disabilities are crucial in achieving business goals on one side and personal dream on other. By paving the path of professional success and accomplishments of those who have thrived despite their disabilities, we are promoting understanding, empathy, and inclusivity – she says.

The self – employment journey often can be uncertain, but this young talented artisan is full of ideas and will not stop here. Acquiring new digital skills for better online sales and promotion are the new areas she would like to expand her knowledge in mastering digital marketing and improved product placement.
“Navigating through the digital world is such a huge opportunity for my small firm! My plan is to enroll in the digital marketing training, so I will be capable to go through various software applications and adapt my business goals to emerging technologies. So, exiting!” – Maja explains with a spark in her eyes.
The story of this women is showcasing accomplishments, achievements, and triumphs of individuals who have overcome the obstacles associated with their disabilities. Maja Ilievska is looking forward to share her personal testimonial aiming to shed light on the incredible capabilities and potential that reside within every person.
“I do not want my disability to define me as a person, but rather showcase my strengths, talents, and abilities. “Believe in yourself no matter what” is not only a shallow phrase, but my true-life motto” – says Maja.

The self-employment programme for people with disabilities is implemented by UNDP in close collaboration with the Employment Service Agency and the Ministry of Economy and Labor. The programme was introduced in 2016 and as of now more than 300 businesses were created and supported.
The Programme is of paramount importance in creating enabling environment and equal opportunities for all.