Infographic: FoKSBI and ISPO

UNDP-GCP-InPOP-ISPO infographic.pdf

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Infographic: FoKSBI and ISPO

May 20, 2016

The Indonesia Palm Oil Platform (FoKSBI) and the Indonesia Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) work together to facilitate certification of smallholder producers of palm oil in Indonesia. 

FoKSBI is a multistakeholder forum coordinated by the government that identifies problems and solutions through a national action plan for the sustainable development of palm oil. 

The Indonesian Government has created the ISPO standard and certification system in 2011. It requires all palm oil producers and mills operating in the country to comply with existing government regulations that concern the efficient production of palm oil, with a focus on environmental conservation as well as safeguarding workers rights and improving community development.

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