Libyan CSOs Mapping Report
Libyan CSOs Mapping Report
May 10, 2023
This report is the result of research conducted in Libya between August and September 2022. A comprehensive desk review, coupled with an outreach campaign using social media and other forms of communication, was conducted in order to identify and qualify Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) across the country to participate in the UNDP initiative, “CSO Mapping and Capacity Building Training for Libyan CSO”. The aim of the desk review was to generate an initial list of CSOs with their contact information, addresses and nature of activities.
This report is produced by Team Libya for Training and Development in the framework of the EUTF-funded programme ‘Strengthening Local Capacities for Resilience and Recovery (SLCRR Top-up)”, implemented by UNDP in close cooperation with the Libyan Ministry of Local Government and Municipalities. All views expressed in this document are of the author and do not necessarily reflect either the views of UNDP or the official opinion of the European Union. Neither the European Union institutions and bodies nor any person acting on their behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained there.