Call for Proposals for NGOs : Creating Public Awareness and Support for Climate Action

تعزيز الوعي العام ودعم العمل المناخي

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Call for Proposals for NGOs : Creating Public Awareness and Support for Climate Action

August 26, 2024

Public awareness of climate change and support for climate action, particularly among the youth, for climate action in Libya, is growing but remains relatively low. According to a recent survey of global public opinion, the majority of Libyans think climate change is happening and know at least a moderate amount about it. Still, a relatively low number of Libyans think climate change is at least partially caused by human activity. Relative to other African countries, fewer Libyans think climate change will affect them personally and, similarly, a low amount support climate action.

These relatively low public views on how climate change impacts livelihoods in Libya are in contrast to the growing impacts. Sea level rise and higher temperatures are progressively increasing the exposure and risks in the country. The flood in north-eastern Libya in September 2023, for instance, was found to be 50 times more likely to occur and 50 times more intense due to climate change. This is in addition to the higher demands on fresh water and electricity as well as lower national revenue prospects as the world transitions to renewable energy. 

With a generous fund from the European Union, UNDP is looking to engage an international or nationally registered Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) or a coalition led by an NGO to implement these three activities:

  1. Conducting a public survey of climate change perceptions and knowledge
  2. Convene forums to discuss and disseminate information on climate change
  3. Map the current actors among civil society and academic institutions active in climate change and climate advocacy to identify how to support their efforts more effectively.

Budget size and duration

The project will last seven months. The applying organizations are requested to submit a clear and detailed work plan for each output/deliverable and the budget within the foreseen timeframe. The overall indicative grant pool amount made available under this Call for proposals is US Dollars 100,000.00. 

Submission Process

Applicants must submit their proposals through email to by the deadline of 10 September 2024 with the subject field “UNDP Creating Public Awareness and Support for Climate Action.”

Interested NGOs may obtain further information or clarification by submitting emails no later than 5 days before the deadline for submission to the UNDP Libya office with the subject field “UNDP Creating Public Awareness and Support for Climate Action” to the following address:  

Regions and Countries
Sustainable Development Goals