Strengthening Local Capacities for Resilience and Recovery


“Strengthening Local Capacities for Resilience and Recovery” (SLCRR) is a multi-phase, multi-year project directly implemented by UNDP Libya and funded mainly by the European Union. To respond to challenges that people in Libya are facing, UNDP, Ministry of Local Government (MoLG) and Municipalities are restoring basic services. The project is also equipping youth with livelihood opportunities, as well as civil society organisations (CSOs), community members and municipality staff with skills related to social cohesion, peacebuilding and conflict sensitivity. The project is dedicated to serving people and Libya’s recovery, stability and socio-economic development.

Phases of the Project

The first phase of the project, funded by EU and South Korea, in 12 municipalities, UNDP built local coordination mechanisms, conducted needs assessments through community engagement, and supported local authorities to respond to the many conflict- and human mobility-induced challenges. Needs and recommendations identified in sectors such as rule of law, community security, basic services, job market and other were prioritised through a series of local consultations and served as a foundation for planning the project activities and next phases. This phase initiated new partnerships with Peaceful Change Initiative for community engagement, Tatweer Research and Toyota Libya for youth empowerment and livelihood opportunities through incubators, start-ups and apprenticeship. The project also restored world heritage site and safe public spaces for social cohesion and sports, and established the first rugby field and model police station in the country.

The second phase, funded by EU, is implemented in 20 municipalities in close cooperation with MoLG, Municipalities, UNICEF and Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS). It aims to improve ‘my municipality’ Baladiyati, and UNDP’s main contribution is enhancing municipalities’ provision of basic services at local level and increasing their access for vulnerable people from host communities, internally displaced people (IDPs), returnees, migrants and refugees. This phase includes working with CSOs on conflict sensitivity analysis training and enhancing social cohesion and peacebuilding through community activities.  

The third phase, is a top-up of the first phase and aims to improve the living conditions and resilience of vulnerable populations (including host communities, migrants, refugees, IDPs and returnees), in particular in the municipalities most affected by migratory flows, damaged by the conflict and/or affected by the new challenging situation created by the COVID-19 pandemic. It is implemented in 33 municipalities to support basic services delivery, improve livelihood opportunities, strengthen social cohesion and community security, as well as promote sustainable development.

The fourth phase, implemented with MoLG, UNICEF and AICS as ‘Baladiyati 2’ with more focus on Southern municipalities and joint communications with affected people. This three-year project was launched in 2021 and aims to foster basic services, sustainable economic development and social cohesion in 14 municipalities. UNDP produced municipality profiles and conflict analysis as the basis for the three agencies’ project planning. UNDP will also construct and rehabilitate infrastructure for promoting social cohesion and local peace in 5 municipalities.

Phase 1



  1. Better provision of basic services at local level and increased access for most vulnerable groups from host communities - including Internally Displaced Populations (IDPs) and returnees - as well as migrants and refugees is ensured;
  2. Local authorities and administrations are supported in fulfilling their role and responsibilities with a focus on enforcing local stability and community security;
  3. Local economic recovery/development, including job creation and livelihoods are supported.



  • Empowered six coordination mechanisms at the municipality level in Tripoli, Benghazi, Kufra, Murzuk, Sebha and Sabratha to facilitate needs analysis, coordination and implementation of recovery activities. These mechanisms are responsible for bringing together municipality, Municipal Council members, community members as well as facilitating needs analysis and coordination of projects.
  • Conducted conflict sensitivity assessments for Benghazi, Kufra, Murzuk, Sebha and Sabratha. A total of 326 participants, including 64 women (20%), engaged in 7 town hall consultations across the 5 municipalities. The social peace and local development partnerships were strengthened with two-day training sessions run by Peaceful Change Initiative (PCi) where 124 people (including 32% women) enhanced their skills in conflict management and dialogues. Further, 152 people (42% women) were engaged in local social accountability mechanisms enhancing the understanding on project interventions on the ground and establishing a direct dialogue between key community stakeholders, authorities, local peace partnership and UNDP local coordinators. In total, over 600 people were involved in conflict-sensitivity discussions, including 30% women. 
  • Developed Social Peace and Local Development plans and implemented ‘social peace’ interventions through a small grants programme of up to 30,000 Libyan dinars (equivalent of 22,000 USD). Activities were successfully finalized in Benghazi, Murzuk, Kufra, Sebha and Sabratha. In Sabratha, for instance, security was enhanced through instalment of streetlights while in Benghazi an AC repair centre was established employing former combatants.
  • Completed a total of 11 municipalities capacity assessments through a participatory process engaging municipality officials and citizens. They were followed up with the development of Capacity Development Action Plans. Those 11 municipalities were supported with training of 410 municipality officials (22% women) on technical, soft skills and conflict sensitivity in basic service delivery. Furthermore, they were provided with 22 grants that contributed to strengthen their capacities in line with the recommendations of the capacity assessment process.
  • Rehabilitated infrastructures (civil works and equipment delivery) in Sabratha, Murzuk, Sebha, Kufra, Ajdabiya, Benghazi and Tripoli that addressed interventions prioritised as a result of participatory needs assessments and prioritization consultations with local authorities and communities following conflict-sensitive and do-no-harm approach. In total, 36 infrastructures were rehabilitated or built, and 176 sets of equipment were delivered contributing to improved basic service delivery by municipalities. The supported sectors included social cohesion, youth, education, health, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH).
  • Improved access to basic services for about 2 million people across 12 municipalities. The coverage is 77% (2 million) of the total population (2.6 million) in the project target municipalities including IDPs, returnees, migrants and refugees.
  • The support provided to the target municipalities in public service delivery has enhanced their capacity in responding to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic as well. In this respect, the renovated infrastructure and the equipment delivered in critical sectors including health and WASH continued to be provided to citizens as a result of this support.
  • Conducted the Rule of Law (RoL) Needs and Capacity Assessments with relevant Justice and Policing institutions from Tripoli, Sebha and Benghazi. It was a process-oriented analysis of the local justice systems that resulted in production of a report suggesting recommendations to address weaknesses on the legislative, regulatory and organisational criminal justice chain. The findings of this report were further discussed with representatives of Libyan RoL institutions (police, justice and judicial police) during a workshop organized in Tunis on 21-24 October 2019.
  • A total of 89 RoL staff in Tripoli, Benghazi and Sebha actively participated in and enhanced their skills on RoL needs and capacity assessments, in close cooperation with joint UNDP-UNSMIL (UN Support Mission in Libya) Policing Project.
  • As one out of three RoL institutions identified during the needs assessment, the Police Station in Hai Andalus, Tripoli, was supported.  In close coordination with the Ministry of Interior, UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) and EU Border Assistance Mission in Libya (EUBAM), as well as the joint UNSMIL-UNDP Police project working on institutional development with the Ministry of Interior (MoI) and Ministry of Justice, the first model police station (MPS) was established in Libya and made it fully operational in Hai Andalus. The MPS was designed to strengthen the capacity of Libyan security services, and to integrate good practice in community-oriented, citizen focused policing and police organization management. To further develop the concept, all mandatory policing function required to be performed, job descriptions were developed and validated, and enabling resources were identified and agreed by all partners.
  • Despite the challenging operational and security context in and around Tripoli, the construction of the pilot MPS in Hai Andalus was completed in December 2020 equipped with office furniture, IT equipment and wireless access point. The police station is ready now to serve approximately 300,000 people and to be a model for other police stations around the country in its functionality and sustainability with a rights-based approach. The inauguration ceremony took place in June 2021 in the presence of the Libyan Minister of Interior, the EU ambassador, the Assistant Secretary-General, Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Libya, UNDP Libya Resident Representative, the Head of Mission to EUBAM, as well as ambassadors from EU member states (Press Release).
  • A vocational training programme implemented in partnership with Toyota Libya based in Misrata. This initiative aimed at addressing unemployment among recent graduates, promote decent jobs and boost opportunities for youth in Libya. The ‘Discover Your Talent’ (DYT) programme engaged 80 young people (20 female, 60 male), including 20 IDPs, on car maintenance, customer service and other professional skills. As of November 2021, 28 (61%) out of 46 respondents work in a variety of fields. 24 (52%) among 46 respondents obtained employment immediately after the training, and they believe that the skills acquired during the course supported them in accessing the labour market. 37 (80%) out of 46 respondents indicated that they continue to use the skills acquired during the trainings in their employment and lifestyle, supporting them in developing self-confidence and dealing effectively with customers. 
  • In partnership with the Tatweer Research, UNDP contributed to fostering a vibrant entrepreneurship culture and supporting local economic recovery through 3 local business incubators/economic literacy centres supported in Benghazi, Tripoli and Sebha. 
  • Hosted by the Tatweer Entrepreneurship Campus (TEC) incubators, 85 start-ups and entrepreneurs were provided with a place to work, access to business and technical training programs and access to tailor-made business coaching and mentoring. Among them, 12 start-ups received grants from the Impact Fund in support of innovative business development and growth. 230 jobs (47% for women) were created as a result of the support provided to the start-ups within the TEC scheme in Benghazi, Tripoli and Sebha.
  • 3,581 participants, of which 49% women, have benefitted from the Tatweer Entrepreneurship Campus (TEC) programmes and events. Various TEC community programmes empowered and equiped youth, both men and women, with the skills necessary to engage in local economic development, with focus on technology and innovative solutions.

Phase 2



  1. Strengthening the capacities of municipalities in providing basic and social services, in particular in municipalities most affected by migratory flows, for resilient local service delivery;
  2. Improving access to quality basic and social services, in particular to the most vulnerable people living in the selected locations (including migrants, refugees, IDPs, returnees and host communities, especially women and girls).

The expected results include:

  • 20 municipalities with conflict mediation capacity strengthened
  • 480 people participating in conflict prevention and peace building activities, including women, and where feasible migrants, refugees, IDPs, returnees
  • 20 institutions directly supported through capacity building on service delivery/social cohesion/gender
  • 20 municipalities supported for public service delivery
  • Approx. 2 million people receiving access to enhanced social services, including IDPs, migrants and refugees.



  • In consultation with project partners as well as local municipalities, UNDP has finalized the planning of activities in all targeted municipalities, including the identification of priorities in each location. UNDP has also initiated a number of preparatory activities in relation to capacity building component by conducting a series of internal consultations, as well as preliminary dialogue with the targeted municipalities, and other actors on the ground, to identify the training and capacity development needs of municipality staff.
  • As part of strengthening the capacities of municipalities in providing basic and social services, 20 local governance surveys were completed, 84 (34% female) youth participated in the Youth Leadership Programme, and 17 CSOs engaged in capacity building in social cohesion. A series of capacity building trainings was conducted for the selected CSOs to strengthen the institutional and organizational skills in designing and implementing effective projects aiming to promote peacebuilding and social cohesion in the targeted municipalities. The selected and trained CSOs are in the process to receive a low value grants to implement initiatives in each of the targeted municipalities.
  • The project has completed 18 civil works and delivered 924 sets of equipment that benefit about 2 million people in 20 municipalities through enhanced access to basic services in sectors of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), health, education and youth & sports. Among these, over 25,000 people benefit from enhanced access to health care services at the rehabilitated health centre in Ghat which was partially damaged during the conflict. In addition, renovated schools in Emsaed, Ghat, Sabratha and Zawiya West gave 2,739 students and teachers hope for a better future. In Benghazi, the rehabilitated handball court at Sports City provides a safe space for 6,000 young people and community members to share values and a team spirit that will contribute to local peace and social cohesion. 

Phase 3



  1. Enhanced provision of basic services at local level targeting the most vulnerable groups, including Internally Displaced Populations (IDPs), returnees, migrants and refugees.
  2. Capacities of target communities and local stakeholders enhanced towards social cohesion, community security and rule of law.
  3. Employment opportunities created and individuals supported to develop economic income generating activities.



  • Conflict-sensitive workshops in five municipalities (Achargia, Al Grefa, Idri Achati, Qasr Alkhyar and Tobruk) provided an opportunity to 88 participants, including municipality officials, women, youth and CSOs, to reflect on the concepts of resilient community and local peacebuilding and identify priority projects that would contribute to reaching these goals.
  • The project delivered a dump truck trailer for solid waste management in Al Qala Municipality and ICU ambulances to 8 municipalities of Al Brega, Bint Baya, Jalu, Robyana, Mrada and Tazerbo. Total 28 sets of equipment (garbage trucks, sewage trucks, water tankers) and 20 civil works are planned based on needs and municipality priorities, and in the procurement process.

  • A series of capacity building trainings was conducted for the selected 12 CSOs to strengthen the institutional and organizational skills in designing and implementing effective projects aiming to promote peacebuilding and social cohesion in the targeted municipalities. The selected and trained CSOs are in the process to receive a low value grants to implement initiatives in each of the targeted municipalities.

  • Under the Re-Start-Up Marathon, 10 selected entrepreneurs from Sebha and Benghazi received grants with business training and mentoring to further develop and implement their businesses. The start-ups incubated and supported through this activity developed solutions to market gaps in food processing, agriculture, delivery, e-commerce, digitalization and other services. Business coaches engaged in training, capacity building, and market development advice, and provided feedback for operational strategies, marketing and growth. The start-ups created 23 new jobs (13 women) and half of them are female-headed businesses.

Phase 4



  1. Strengthening the capacities of municipalities in providing basic services for resilient local service delivery;
  2. Strengthening economic opportunities for local communities (including for migrants) through inclusive and participatory local economic recovery;
  3. Enhancing communities and local stakeholders’ capacity to improve social cohesion and community security.


  • The project started in July 2021 with a nine-months inception phase which entails preparatory activities such as coordination and joint consultations, including work on the municipality profiles and conflict sensitivity assessments that serve as basis for further needs assessments to inform the implementation of specific activities.   
  • Municipality facilitation: In consultation with municipalities and community representatives, including local CSOs, active youth and women’s groups, UNDP engaged the existing local municipal facilitation teams and members in each of the five targeted municipalities of Brak Al Shati, Kufra, Murzuk, Sebha and Ubari.


  • Municipal needs assessments: Based on the results from the municipality facilitation, quick municipal assessments were carried out to identify urgent priority projects in the target five municipalities to support resilience in access to basic services. This activity entailed fast track diagnostics, feasibility studies for infrastructure works and/or equipment delivery and preparation of procurement related documents.


  • Based on the identified priorities in the five municipalities, UNDP conducted site needs assessments, discussed technical aspects with local authorities responsible for operation and maintenance of these facilities, and developed BoQs to initiate procurement processes. Planned activities include construction and rehabilitation of facilities in sectors of youth & sports, education, local economy and renewable energy.



May 2017


December 2024






United Nations Development Programme




Foreign,Commonwealth & Dev.Off.





Italian Min. for Foreign Affairs

Peacebuilding Fund

The Republic of Korea

UN Tr Fund for Human Security














Full Project information