Case Study: Contribution of the Post-disaster needs assessment (PDNA) and the implementation of the recovery strategy through the disaster recovery framework (DRF) -Haiti

Case Study Haiti

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Case Study: Contribution of the Post-disaster needs assessment (PDNA) and the implementation of the recovery strategy through the disaster recovery framework (DRF) -Haiti

November 8, 2022

The main objective of the Post-Disaster Needs Assessment  (PDNA)1  is  to  support  national authorities in the comprehensive assessment of the effects of a disaster, which include damage, loss and recovery needs, as well as an actionable disaster-recovery  strategy.  For  this,  a  Disaster Recovery Framework (DRF) is prepared whose main objectives are: to operationalize the recovery strategy formulated in the PDNA;  to realistically prioritize recovery efforts over a defined period of ime and;  outline the national policy and the institutional, financial and operational aspects of the recovery process in order to mobilize financial and technical resources for its implementation. Following  the  7.2-magnitude  earthquake  that devastated the three departments of the Southern Peninsula of the Republic of Haiti on 14 August 2021, a High-Level International Event (hereinafter the Conference) was organized on 16 February 2022  in  Port-au,  and the  development  of  the PDNA and the DRF was coordinated by the Prime Minister’s  Office  and  the  Ministry  of  Planning and  External  Cooperation  with  the  support  of ministerial entities and the Tripartite Partnership was made up of the United Nations (UN), European Union (EU) and World Bank (WB), together with the  Inter-American  Development  Bank  (IDB).

Document Type
Regions and Countries