UNDP Gender Analysis

For Digital Transformation Tool


A tool developed by UNDP to assess gender disparities in digital transformation. It aims to ensure inclusive digital strategies by highlighting gender-specific challenges. The tool is essential for policymakers and organizations focusing on equitable digital growth.  


Gender Analysis for Digital Transformation Initiatives: Technical Note intended for program officers aims to address the gender digital gap through a four-step process: identification, comprehension, action, and strategy design. It offers guidance on recognizing disparities, understanding their roots and impacts, taking steps to bridge the gap, and formulating effective strategies. Additionally, it provides supplemental resources for further information on the gender digital divide. 


This article was originally published in: https://undp.sharepoint.com/:w:/s/CDOTeam/EQQO5pfyaolDkyP77Do-fpEB5OfbK5Y_WzFuvHC0653QGg?e=MagbA7 

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