UNDP Digital Principles

for Development training


The Principles for Digital Development are nine living guidelines that are designed to help integrate best practices into technology-enabled programs and are intended to be updated and refined over time. They include guidance for every phase of the project life cycle, and they are part of an ongoing effort among development practitioners to share knowledge and support continuous learning. The Digital Principles were created in a community-driven effort, the result of many lessons learned through the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in development projects.


The Principles for Digital Development comprise nine dynamic guidelines crafted to seamlessly integrate best practices into technology-enabled programs. These principles are designed to evolve continually, reflecting ongoing updates and refinements based on emerging insights and experiences. Offering guidance across every phase of the project life cycle, they represent a collaborative endeavor among development practitioners aimed at fostering knowledge sharing and facilitating continuous learning within the field. Originating from a community-driven effort, these Digital Principles embody the culmination of numerous lessons gleaned from the application of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in development initiatives. 


This article was originally published in: https://digitalprinciples.org/ 

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