Technology to assist women

staying at home

Project Owner: UNDP Mexico – AccLab Mexico 

In Mexico City, a bold initiative was undertaken to revolutionize the care provided to women, girls, and adolescents at risk of violence, catapulting government services into the 21st century. At the heart of this endeavour was a transformative learning cycle aimed at leveraging technology to address the urgent needs of those vulnerable to family and domestic violence.


Collaborating closely with the LUNA Centers of the Government of Mexico City (LUNAS), the UNDP Acceleration Lab in Mexico embarked on a groundbreaking partnership to enhance services for preventing and responding to violence. Together, they spearheaded the development of a cutting-edge tracking tool and dashboard designed to amplify efforts in promoting women's physical, economic, and political autonomy, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 health emergency. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the risk of violence faced by women, girls, and adolescents, magnifying the urgency of innovative solutions to safeguard their well-being. As highlighted by UN Women, the repercussions of physical distancing measures and mobility restrictions imposed in response to the pandemic have been profound and far-reaching. 

From a surge in domestic and family violence stemming from prolonged proximity to aggressors to heightened levels of stress, economic insecurity, and reduced access to support networks, the challenges confronting women and girls have been multifaceted and complex. Traditional approaches to care provision have proven insufficient in this climate of uncertainty and heightened vulnerability. 

The tracking tool and dashboard emerged as a game-changing solution poised to revolutionize the violence prevention and response landscape in Mexico City. By harnessing the power of data and technology, government agencies gained real-time insights into emerging trends, allocated resources more effectively, and tailored interventions to meet the unique needs of individuals and communities. 

Moreover, the tracking tool and dashboard served as beacons of hope, offering lifelines to those trapped in cycles of violence and uncertainty. By providing access to information, support, and resources at the click of a button, these digital innovations empowered women, girls, and adolescents to reclaim their autonomy, break free from abusive situations, and forge pathways to safety and resilience. 

As Mexico City embarked on this transformative journey towards digital empowerment, the collaboration between the UNDP Acceleration Lab and the LUNA Centers represented a paradigm shift in how violence prevention and care provision were approached. Through innovation, collaboration, and a steadfast commitment to gender equality, a future was envisioned where every woman, girl, and adolescent could live free from violence and fear. 


This article was originally published at: 

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