Support for new authorities


The change of authorities is an essential part of democracy. It is a process in which the outgoing government must prepare to hand over, and the incoming government must prepare to take office and implement the vision the voters have supported. The transition process involves a series of joint actions for handing over and receiving information, functions, competencies, responsibilities, and resources that ensure the continuity of public services, the satisfactory closing of the outgoing authorities' administration, and the proper start of the new administration. The transition period is a challenge but also an opportunity to consolidate better governments and give continuity to State policies.  


UNDP-SIGOB offers methodologies to support new authorities in transitions at national, subnational, and local government levels. Before the elections, the Pre-Empalme technical assistance prepares public institutions for the transition. Once the election happens and results are recognized, the Empalme assistance connects the priority programs of the incoming government with the ongoing programs and collects critical information to guide the first few months of the new authorities, hence the First 100 Days. Information is compiled through a collaborative process and organized in relational databases with a visualization tool that allows for quick, action-oriented reports. The First 100-Days platform is a digital tool to support the new government while more robust results-based management systems are set in place.  

The UNDP-SIGOB regional project provides the digital platform and the implementation service to accompany the process. 


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