Employees of the Accounts Committee to receive an international requalification training by the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy of the United Kingdom

October 13, 2020

With support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 17 staff members, including the management, of the Kazakh Accounts Committee is participating in a series of trainings and examinations under the Program of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy of the United Kingdom (CIPFA). The trainings started on 5th October and will last until 30th October, when, upon a successful completion, the participants will be awarded an international qualification.

“We believe this project will advance our employee’s professional skills, which will in turn take to a new level our audit & control practices,” said Natalya Godunova, Chair of the Accounts Committee.

The overall objective is to contribute to a stronger public administration system, with comprehensive accountability framework in place. Stronger financial discipline and higher efficiency in utilization of  the public funds and assets is a critical part of this work.

The project is part of UNDP support to the Government of Kazakhstan in its effort to build a professional state apparatus, responding to citizens’ needs and providing quality service to them.

“Modernizing national institutions and strengthening their capacity is crucial for attaining the country’s long-term strategic vision - entering the ranks of 30 most developed countries in the world. UNDP will continue supporting this bold vision by bringing in best practices and innovative solutions,” noted Yakup Beris, UNDP Resident Representative in Kazakhstan.