Funding Facility for Stabilization 2021 Annual Report


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Funding Facility for Stabilization 2021 Annual Report

April 19, 2022

In 2021, the FFS completed 368 projects (3,060 since 2015) across all sectors of interventions and in the five liberated governorates of Anbar, Diyala, Kirkuk, Ninewa and Salah al-Din for a total value of US$ 164.5 million (US$ 826.2 million since 2015), generating over 3 million benefits (18.9 million since 2015), half of them for women

This represents an estimated 8 million individual beneficiaries since 2015. By the same time period, 322 projects were under implementation, 195 under procurement and 2,161 in the pipeline. Progress against set targets has been steady and consistent. In some instances, results have surpassed set objectives while in a few cases, progress has been marked by corrective measures and a necessary recalibration of implementation timelines given contextual and operational challenges that have characterized 2021.

Document Type
Regions and Countries