Photo: UNDP, 2022
A team of experts from Saudigitus is in Guinea-Bissau to work with the UNDP country team on the integration of community health data into the DHIS2/ Real Time Monitoring (RTM). The team will support in preparing to create a data interface (dashboard) of the community component in the District Health Information System (DHIS2) and subsequently train health technicians for the introduction of real-time data (RTM).
Supported by the Global Fund, UNDP has been implementing the Digital Public Goods DHIS2 in Guinea-Bissau since 2014. Over 145 health facilities (public and private sector) in the country are being digitized, significantly improving the mapping, tracking, preventing, and treating of malaria outbreaks in real-time. In one of the most fragile health systems in the world, this has provided both immense opportunities and challenges.