Refurbishment of existing animal shelf in Walic, Bijilo for housing of imported livestock
The Programme for Accelerated Community Development is aimed at addressing poverty and inequality at the community level. The approach of the project is to help The Gambia respond to social demands by accelerating delivery of services especially to far-to-reach populations. Thus, the purpose is to revitalize and transform the economy for the wellbeing of all Gambians and address persistent and serious disparities between urban and rural areas in terms of access to basic services including water, energy, and road infrastructure. The programme covers vulnerable communities selected through a feasibility study conducted by Deloitte in the five (5) regions of The Gambia (KMC, WCR, LRR, NBR, CRR and URR).
The Programme which mirrored on from the Senegal Emergent Plan (PSE) aims to contribute to the improvement of the access of rural populations to basic social services through the establishment of socio-economic infrastructures and to promote the involvement of local actors in the economic and social development of their localities.
The programme initiated since April 2020, aims to address the rural-urban inequalities and disparities focusing on the provision of basic amenities, services, and infrastructure. It addresses three main Sustainable Development Goals: SDG 1 - No Poverty, SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth and SDG 10 Reduced Inequalities and the UNDAF Country Programme Outcome 1.1 (Sustainable Economic Management). The PACD is under the coordination of the Office of the President’s Department of Strategic Policy and Delivery (DSPD) Unit and implemented by UNDP.
Children reading under the street pole lights in munyagen, North Bank Region where the Project has provided Electricity to the community
1. Improve rural access to portable water
2. Rural Electrification Programme
3. Rural Roads Infrastructure.
4. Food Security (Postharvest and Processing Equipment and Exotic Livestock breed for Milk Production)
5. Sustainability of Services and Assets Management
Current Results
· 10 of the communities in the North Bank Region of The Gambia have been provided access to electricity with the construction of LV lines fitted with Transformers.
· The Refurbishment of Animal Shed in WALIC have been completed whilst the fencing of the 5 hectares pasture field is completed. This shed will serve to harbour high breed animals that will later be given to low earning households identified in the communities to supply milk for their households and fore sale to earn income.
· Post-harvest equipment provided for 38 districts in West Coast, Lower River, North Bank, Central River and Upper River Regions to support rural farmers especially women in reducing post-harvest and add value to agricultural production.
· PACD has completed the drilling of 16 boreholes across various communities in The Gambia. This will improve access to clean and safe drinking water for 23 communities. It will also promote hand washing which helps to reduce the spread of COVID19.
Tractors supplied to communities to support farmers in increased agricultural production