Good Growth Partnership
Halting deforestation and conversion from agricultural commodity supply chains.
The commercial production of agricultural commodities is a dominant economic force in many national and developing rural economies. Managed sustainably, commodity supply chains have the potential to become engines for rural development, addressing many of the global sustainable development goals for ending poverty and protecting the planet. Transforming key commodity supply chains also has the potential to significantly reduce tropical deforestation and stem climate change.
Launched in 2017, the Good Growth Partnership was born to focus on the root causes that lead to deforestation, environmental degradation and unsustainable production of three commodities: soy, beef, and palm oil. This ambitious collaborative effort aimed to balance the needs of a growing global population and a demand for soy, beef and palm oil expected to double by 2030, with social and environmental responsibilities. The Partnership has been working across production, financing and demand to convene a wide range of stakeholders and initiatives to create lasting, transformative change throughout these key global commodity supply chains in four countries - Brazil, Indonesia, Liberia and Paraguay.
During this pilot phase, completed in 2022, the Partnership focused on four landscapes, prioritized due to their high conservation value: Brazil’s Matopiba region in the country’s Cerrado tropical savannah ecoregion; important ecosystems in the Indonesian islands of Sumatra and Kalimantan; the biodiversity-rich northwest of Liberia and the semi-arid Chaco region of Paraguay.
Supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), and led by the UNDP’s Green Commodities Programme, the Partnership pilot phase was implemented in collaboration with Conservation International, the International Finance Corporation, UN Environment, the World Wildlife Fund and the governments of Indonesia, Paraguay, Brazil and Liberia.
Over five years, the Partnership has focused on addressing:
- Policies to make suitable land available for production.
- Enhancing producers' capacity to adopt good agricultural practices.
- Boosting investment and economic incentives for sustainable production.
- Increasing market awareness and demand for reduced deforestation.
Learn about GGP´s results and impact in the GGP Impact Overview and its related GGP Impact Briefs and Visual Guide. Country impact and supply chain stories can be found here.
Currently, the Good Growth Partnership continues its work by jointly providing support to 27 Country Projects through the Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration Impact Programme (FOLUR)´s Knowledge to Action (K2A) Global Platform to accelerate transformative action in landscapes and along value chains - please read more in the related section of this website.
Meanwhile, GGP partners are actively seeking to scale their efforts to more countries and landscapes, through an improved approach taking into account the lessons from its pilot phase.
For more information please visit www.goodgrowthpartnership.com and contact Lavinia Gasperini, Programme Management Associate at lavinia.gasperini@undp.org.