About us
The Climate Aggregation Platform (CAP) promotes the scale-up of financial aggregation for small-scale, low-carbon energy assets in developing countries – with the goal to increase access to and lower the cost of financing for the clean energy sector. In so doing, the CAP can contribute to improving the lives of people in developing countries, bringing about affordable, reliable and clean energy.
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is implementing the CAP, in partnership with the Climate Bonds Initiative, with initial seed-funding from the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The CAP is a flagship initiative of the Sustainable Energy Hub to support the structuring and deployment of innovative business models and financial mechanisms to accelerate energy access and the clean energy transition.
Our Work
The CAP aims to advance and raise awareness for innovative solutions to market barriers for financial aggregation, with a view to mainstream good practices across and within markets. The CAP’s activities and value proposition are articulated in terms of a global offer (awareness raising, knowledge products and global network) and an in-country offer (showcase transactions and market development activities).
Get in touch
If you have a question or are interested in our work, send us an email at: climateagg@undp.org