
Ecotourism development to promote green transition to inclusive and sustainable growth

What is the project about?

The project “Ecotourism development to promote green transition to inclusive and sustainable growth” aims to support the development of ecotourism in four specially protected natural areas (SPNA):

  • “Aziory” Reserve;
  • “Nalibokski” Reserve;
  • “Asviejski” Reserve;
  • “Krasny Bor” Reserve.

Project Components

The project aims to support the Government of the Republic of Belarus in the following three major components:

Component 1: Increase of awareness and capacity of stakeholders in the development of ecological tourism.

Component 2: Formulation and testing of conducive methodical framework for the development and promotion of ecological tourism in specially protected natural areas, formation of three ecotourism clusters.

Component 3: Implementation of a set of measures for the development and promotion of ecotourism in the pilot specially protected natural areas (SPNA).

Project budget: $1,2 mln

Project Document (ENG) - Link 

Project News:

Three Belarusian Reserves to Become More Inclusive Thanks to the Project on Ecotourism Development

UNDP Project to Contribute to Ecotourism Development in Belarus

Virtual tours will be developed for the "Nalibokski", "Aziory" and " Asviejski" reserves