Increase of Unprecedented disaster events and Future Thinking

UNDP Bangladesh has taken the initiative to develop a comprehensive recovery plan for this flood with a detailed investigation of shelter failure in this disaster.

October 13, 2022

By Arif Abdullah, UNDP Bangladesh

Natural disasters had risen to unprecedented levels gradually becoming a grave concern globally and in Bangladesh. Climate-induced disasters with higher intensity has challenged our conventional disaster management methods and systems.

The country is facing recurrent disasters and increasing economic loss due to the absence of comprehensive recovery after disaster and from the lack of a better approach. UNDP Bangladesh is trying to promote a coordinated recovery plan and its implementation.

Chatak, Sunamganj, Sylhet


One of the most recent instances is the Northeastern flood in mid-June 2022. The upstream region of Assam and Meghalaya recorded the highest rainfall in 122 years (about 2500 millimeters), which inundated 90% of the northeast part of Bangladesh. The flash flood impacted 2 million people, and more than 700 million USD of loss was recorded.

We must take this incident seriously and thoroughly investigate the recent various development intercept with hydrological issues and an analysis of the failure of systems and infrastructures. We must also develop a comprehensive recovery plan with a resilience mechanism and a build-back-better approach.  

UNDP Bangladesh has taken the initiative to develop a comprehensive recovery plan for this flood with a detailed investigation of shelter failure in this disaster.