ASEAN-China-UNDP Symposium on Localising the SDGs and Realising Poverty Eradication
August 15, 2018
The ASEAN Charter recognises the importance of sustainable development and provides guidance for ASEAN member states to ensure sustainable development for the benefit of present and future generations. The development of the ASEAN Vision 2025 and its three Blueprints have been informed and influenced by global frameworks and commitments, including the sustainable development goals (SDGs).
Building on two previous symposiums, the ASEAN-China-UNDP Symposium on Localising the SDGs and Realising Poverty Eradication continued promoting the implementation of the SDGs in ASEAN in the context of complementarities between the ASEAN Vision 2025 and the SDGs. This symposium elaborated on ways forward to mainstream the SDGs at regional and sub-national levels.
The Symposium was organised by the ASEAN Secretariat in cooperation with China and UNDP and was held on 20-21 August 2018 in Siem Reap, Cambodia. It brought together senior government officials in charge of implementing the SDGs in ten ASEAN Member States as well as experts from international organisations, development partners, non-governmental organisations, civil society and the private sector.
Follow the hashtag #SDGLocalization to find out what we got up to.
Breaking the Cycle of Poverty and Pain
We went to visit the Chong Khneas community in the outskirts of Siem Reap. Its residents talk about a host of problems: livelihoods have shrunk, poverty persists, and the elders say youth no longer stay put, drawn to cities in search of better work and more money. Read our photo-story here
Localizing the SDGs in ASEAN: Case Studies
To reach out to our poorest, we must take innovative action: Regional Director Haoliang Xu
While there has been extraordinary economic progress in the ASEAN region, pockets of multi-dimensional poverty remain. If those who have been left behind – the poorest of the poor – are to be reached, governments need to adopt new approaches that are people-centred and empower and equip local governments to take innovative action. Our Regional Director Haoliang Xu gives us his perspectives in this interview from the ASEAN-China-UNDP Symposium.
Solutions for SDG Localization and Financing: Jaco Cilliers UNDP Regional Hub
Jaco Cilliers, Chief of Policy and Programming at the Bangkok Regional Hub discusses the value of high-level conferences for the implementation and sourcing of funding for the SDGs at the local level.
Sophia, the UNDP Innovation Champion, speaks at the ASEAN-China-UNDP SymposiumUNDP's first non-human Innovation Champion is the artificially intelligent robot, Sophia. At the ASEAN-China-UNDP Symposium in Cambodia, Sophia emphasised the role of innovation, AI and technology in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals - particularly when it comes to ensuring no-one is left behind.
China has knowledge to help ASEAN countries eradicate poverty: Chinese Ambassador to ASEAN Huang XilianUsing innovation, the Asia and the Pacific region has made great strides. One of the most impressive achievements has been China’s drive against poverty. Since 1981, the country has lifted more than 500 million people out of poverty, providing it with valuable knowledge and policy experience to share, so that others can benefit. Chinese Ambassador to ASEAN Huang Xilian speaks to us at Angkor Wat, Siem Reap for the ASEAN-China-UNDP Symposium.
Financing the Sustainable Development Goals: Together we can do moreFinancing the SDGs: Achieving the SDGs requires investments and services from a range of public and private actors. Mobilizing finance from actors beyond the government requires a policy and enabling environment that is conducive to sustainable, inclusive development of the private sector and civil society.
UNDP offices are uniquely placed to support government and the private sector in scaling-up approaches to finance the SDGs and offer strategic services to managing, mobilizing and channeling financing for SDGs across public and private sectors. Find out how together, we can do more.