Innovation and SDG Finance

What we do

The pathway to evidence-based policy, financing and innovation aligned to the Sustainable Development Goals builds on the UNDP integrator and convening roles and on established platforms for innovation, collaboration, and financing/impact investments.

In line with the reform of the United Nations development system, UNDP provides integrated policy and programme solutions; supports the development of an integrated ecosystem for collection and analysis of data on the Goals; supports the development of evidence-based policies and frameworks aligned to the Goals using state-of-the-art tools for data collection, modelling and forecasting; and transfers knowledge, behavioural insights and innovation to help pioneer new ways of ‘doing development.’”

Specifically, UNDP pioneers an innovative portfolio approach to the development of the country’s secondary cities, using innovative practices for reimagined urban development.

UNDP also works closely with the Government to create links between policies, planning and budgeting processes and the Goals, and deploys innovative mechanisms to leverage partnerships and multiple sources of development finance.

The programme prioritizes co-designing a road map for an integrated national financing framework to help the Government mobilize the resources needed to realize development priorities.

UNDP initiates dialogues between the Government, the private sector and investors to provide a common understanding of financing and investments for the Goals; stimulates innovative solutions through the implementation of impact acceleration programmes; and provides platforms for developing and piloting innovative financing tools such as ‘pay for success’ mechanisms or impact bonds.

Some results so far

  • UNDP created a foundation for the establishment of an Integrated National Financing Framework for Armenia through Development Finance Assessment and SDG budgeting. 
  • With UNDP support, the Government of Armenia is elaborating the long-term Armenia Transformation Strategy 2050.
  • UNDP ImpactAIM upscaled its innovative SDG-impact oriented Accelerator programme to a government co-funded National Platform for Women Economic.