Resilient and Sustainable Food Value Chain Development Training Toolkit
Resilient and Sustainable Food Value Chain Development Training Toolkit
March 21, 2024
Under the Resilient Food System (RFS) Programme, one of the three Integrated Approach Pilots (IAP) funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and led by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in partnership with the Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) has applied a value chain approach to make food production systems more sustainable and resilient while leveraging the existing work and experience in inclusive and diverse food value chains for smallholders on the continent and involve building a strong partnership with the private sector.
A Training Manual for Resilient and Sustainable Food Value Chain Development in Africa was produced for development practitioners in Africa with the aim of advancing a holistic approach to agricultural productivity and agribusiness development in smallholder farming systems as well as the health of the ecosystem. This Resilient and Sustainable Food Value Chain Development Training Toolkit complements the Training Manual. It is designed to operationalize the Manual and assist lead facilitators and other field practitioners in green food value chain development trainings. Following the structure and the modules of the Training Manual, this toolkit provides clear guidance on how to prepare, organize, and facilitate a standard 4-day Greening Food Value Chain training workshop based on the principles of active learning. For each module, the toolkit proposes the key components and learning activities for the facilitator to help the participants exchange and reflect on experiences and acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for Resilient and Sustainable Food Value Chain Development.
Case Studies for the RFS Catalytic Grant Projects: Tanzania | Malawi | Burkina Faso