2016 MDGs to Agenda 2063/SDGs Transition Report – Towards and Integrated and Coherent Approach to Sustainable Development in Africa
2016 MDGs to Agenda 2063/SDGs Transition Report – Towards and Integrated and Coherent Approach to Sustainable Development in Africa
September 23, 2016
This publication is the last in a series of MDG reports. It takes stock of Africa’s performance during the 15 year development campaign and reflects on the challenges and opportunities associated with the dual transition to the new global and continental development agendas adopted in 2015: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the African Union’s Agenda 2063.
The report highlights important strides made by the continent in improving net primary enrolment; enhancing gender equality and empowerment of women; reducing child mortality; combating the spread of HIV and AIDS; and ensuring environmental sustainability.
To ensure effective implementation of the new global and continental agendas, the 2016 Transition Report highlights the need for countries to strengthen capacities for evidence-based policy-making and to improve institutional coordination to ensure that implementation of the two agendas takes into account the three dimensions of sustainable development in a balanced manner.