United Nations commends Japan for three decades of partnership with Africa
August 29, 2023

Tokyo, 29 August 2023 – Commemorating 30 years of strategic partnership, Japan’s investment in Africa through the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) has paved a way for co-creation. TICAD’s uniqueness lies in its grounding principles of African Ownership and International Partnership since its inception, according to United Nations Assistant-Secretary General and UN Development Programme’s Regional Director for Africa Ms. Ahunna Eziakonwa at the conclusion of a six-day official mission to Japan. The visit marked 3 decades of TICAD, since its launch in 1993, a forum owned by Africa, which engages multiple stakeholders including governments, international and regional organizations and the private sector.
“Increasingly, Japan and TICAD view Africa’s future through a lens of promise and potential. This fills me with hope. We must continue to invest in the continent, engaging all partners, especially the private sector,” said Ms. Eziakonwa. “Africa is not a charity case, we must work with Africa, not for Africa and see the future of both Japan and Africa through the eyes of the young generation. It is this generation who are the next stewards of our world and its resources.”
During her visit, the Regional Director attended a special celebration of TICAD, organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Japan, where she stressed the need to continue changing the perception of Africa and engage all partners in the future of the process.
“TICAD’s long history of promoting quality growth, from green investment to public health and regional stabilization based on the concept of human security, reveals a steadfast partnership between Africa, Japan and UNDP, built on respect, dignity, and importantly compassion,” said Ms. Eziakonwa. “Going forward, we must reframe development finance, consistently invest in resilience, prioritize structural economic transformation and regional integration.”
“For three decades, the people of Japan have demonstrated their determination to grow together with Africa, recognising that it a continent ready to do business and thrive. UNDP is proud of its relationship with Japan through TICAD. Together, with Africa, we are committed to unlocking the continent’s full potential and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.”
The Regional Director’s visit included meetings with the Members of Parliament, senior government officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry. She also engaged the African Diplomatic Corps in Japan, officials from JICA, and the Japan Association of Corporate Executives, discussing plans for the upcoming TICAD9 Conference in 2025.
Special high-level side-events for TICAD 30th Anniversary, focusing on investment in Africa, energy transitions, youth entrepreneurship and leadership, and the prevention of violent extremism were arranged during Ms. Eziakonwa’s visit. These were organized in partnership with multiple organizations including the JICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute, the Japan Association of Corporate Executives (DOYUKAI), the Sophia University, the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, the Kobe Institute of Computing, the Kwansei Gakuin University, the African Diplomatic Corps, and the United Nations University.
The mission also coincided with a special symposium, in Tokyo, addressing the urgent need to deliver on peace commitments in Ethiopia. The Regional Director joined high-level representatives, including Ambassador Teshome Toga, Commissioner, National Rehabilitation Commission and Mr. Turhan Saleh, Resident Representative UNDP Ethiopia, in expressing the urgent need to offer ex-combatants a path back to civilian life and the crucial role of international cooperation in supporting peace in Ethiopia and the continent.
Against the headwinds of COVID-19, climate change and the war in Ukraine, Africa has demonstrated its resilience and provided opportunities for economic transformation and sustainable growth. Going forward, UNDP is committed to capitalize TICAD as an effective international platform to reframe development finance, consistently invest in resilience, and prioritise structural economic transformation and regional integration.
Furthermore, UNDP renews its commitment to continuously work with the wide range of stakeholders from Japan and Africa, including not only public partners, but also private sector actors, as well as entrepreneurs and youth, to change the narrative about the continent and people's perceptions of Africa.
UNDP would like to congratulate the Government of Japan and the African Union Commission, the World Bank, the United Nations Office of the Special Advisor on Africa (UNOSAA) and all partners, colleagues, governments and communities throughout Africa for the 30th Anniversary of TICAD and their renewed dedication to promoting economic and human sustainable development in Africa.
About TICAD - Since its inception in 1993, TICAD has facilitated global partnerships between the public and private sector. As a co-organizer, UNDP has supported TICAD as thought leaders, in providing expertise on both conceptual and regional matters. Additionally, UNDP has helped facilitate coordination and partnerships, advocacy for sustainable development, and drawn upon its vast network in Africa to provide logistical and operational support.
About UNDP - UNDP is the leading United Nations organization fighting to end the injustice of poverty, inequality, and climate change. Working with our broad network of experts and partners in 170 countries, we help nations to build integrated, lasting solutions for people and planet. Learn more at undp.org or follow @UNDP.
Media contacts:
Japan: Chika Kondoh: chika.kondoh@undp.org
Africa: Sawiche Wamunza: sawiche.wamunza@undp.org
International: Louise Stoddard: louise.stoddard@undp.org