Green Business and Climate Investment: Business Solutions and Impact Investment for SDGs in Africa
December 10, 2021
Date and Time: Thursday 16 December 2021, 16:30-19:10pm (Japan) / 10:30-13:10 (Kenya) Duration: 160 minutes
Format: Online (Zoom)
Language:English/ French/ Japanese (simultaneous interpretation available) Registration link:
The Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) is an open and inclusive multilateral platform that provides a forum to explore innovative, sustainable, and equitable development pathways across Africa and facilitates partnerships between public and private actors from Africa, Japan and beyond. TICAD8 will be held in Tunisia in 2022, following the TICAD7 organized in 2019 against which consolidated partnerships and interventions by TICAD actors have been formulated under the three pillars: society, economy, and peace and stability. Within the context of sustainable recovery from COVID-19, "green" and "digital" transition as a new economic growth model will need to be prioritized.
To facilitate investment and business from Japan in Africa, the Japan-Africa Public-Private Economic Forum was announced by Prime Minister Abe at TICAD6 in 2016, to be held under the initiative of the Japanese government in collaboration with the African host country and the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO). The first forum was held in South Africa in 2018 with the participation of high-level participants from the public and private sectors of both Japan and Africa, with the aim of promoting cooperation between Japanese and African private companies and the business activities of Japanese companies in Africa in various fields such as trade and investment, infrastructure, and energy.
At the upcoming 2nd Japan-Africa Public-Private Economic Forum to be hosted in Kenya, but to be organized virtually, JICA, UNIDO Tokyo Office, and UNDP envisage to organize a side-event focusing on spearheading and advocating for green business and climate finance in Africa among business leaders from across the globe, Africa, and Japan. This takes into consider- ations of alignment with the key agenda items for TICAD 8 building foundations for the conti- nent’s sustainable growth.
Africa is on the frontline of the world’s climate emergency and ecological crisis. The region is the most climate vulnerable part of the planet, alongside continued rapid decline of biodiversity, ecosystems degradation and serious challenges in closing the energy gap. At the High-Level EU-Africa Green Investment Forum in April 2021, the President of the AfDB highlighted energy, agriculture and infrastructure as key areas of investment potential for a post-COVID-19 recovery in Africa and with abundant solar, wind, hydro and geothermal energy resources, Africa’s energy transition alone presents a $100 billion per year investment opportunity and climate-resilient infrastructure offers investment potential of between $130 billion and $170 billion.
Aligned with the urgency of concerted actions, aspiration and commitments of the global community and African member states, promoting a green transition with a focus on future proofing COVID-19 recovery investments and advancing low carbon, climate resilient and nature-based solutions to development are to be advocated for through this side-event. Urgent action is needed for increased access to energy for the unelectrified and for access to reliable, affordable and clean energy for productive uses and improved quality of life.
Programme Time
16:30-16:35 - Introduction
16:35-16:40 - Opening Remarks
16:40-16:45 - Good-will Message Presentation
16:45-16:50 - Presentation
16:50-17:50 - {Panel Discussion 1}
Green Business: Opportunities and Partnerships
17:50-17:55 - Presentation
17:55-18:55 - {Panel Discussion 2} Climate Investment: opportunities and Partnerships
18:55-19:05 - Conclusion
19:05-19:10 - Closing Remarks
- Dr. Ayodele Odusola / Director, Finance Sector Hub Regional Bureau for Africa, UNDP
- Mr. Ken Shibusawa / CEO Shibusawa and Company Inc.; UNDP SDG Impact Steering Committee Member
- Mr. Shaninomi Eribo / Green Squqre Metre
- Mr. Nobuhiko Kawaguchi / CEO Kens Co., Ltd Challenergy inc
TBC - Mr. Yuko Yasunaga / Director, UNIDO ITPO Tokyo
- Mr. Hubert Danso / CEO and Chairman, Africa investor (Ai) Group
- Ms. Yoko Chivers, Head of SDGs Finance, Capital Markets (tbc )
- Mr. Kebour Ghenna/Executive Director, Pan African Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Mr. Mutsuo Iwai/Japan Association of Corporate Executives Chairman, Project Team on African Development