COVID-19 Response in the Sahel Region

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The Sahel Resilience Project re-programmed disaster risk reduction activities to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic at the regional level and in the seven project countries in June 2020, with a total resource envelope of around $1,5 million (initially for 6 months in 2020, extended to 2021). Regional Activities
National Activities A budget of $100,000 on average has been allocated for each of the seven project countries (around $785,000 in total). Disaster management agencies also received two laptops each – in some countries with modems and subscriptions for online meeting platforms – to support disaster risk data collection and analysis. These country activities, made possible by the flexibility of the Swedish government that allowed the project to reprogramme funds for all seven partner countries, resulted in a rich and varied set of interventions that each country can now build on to better respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and a possible future epidemic.