Partnership for SDGs


Partnerships stand at the heart of our work in Georgia. Our partners include the Government of Georgia, the United Nations system, international development partners, local governments, the private sector, civil society and the media.

Our substantial expertise— intellectual insight and practical experience—cuts across diverse development issues. Combined with our long legacy of trust, these valuable assets have made us a partner of choice.


The Government of Georgia is our key development partner. UNDP works closely with the line ministries throughout the programme implementation cycle to boost reforms, promote inclusive economic growth, and assist Georgia on its road to European integration and achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Private Sector

The private sector plays a crucial role in development by fostering innovation, offering financial support, and encouraging entrepreneurship. By leveraging the resources, expertise, and innovations of the private sector alongside UNDP's development knowledge and network, this collaboration drives sustainable solutions and accelerates progress towards achieving sustainable development goals.

Civil Society Organizations

For UNDP, civil society encompasses social movements, volunteer groups, mass-based membership organizations, non-governmental organizations, and community-based organizations, as well as individual and collective actions by citizens and communities. UNDP collaborates with civil society organizations to execute programmes and advocate for policies.


The partnership between the media and UNDP is a powerful alliance that holds immense potential to promote sustainable development, raise awareness about global challenges, and advocate for positive change. The media serves as a critical conduit, disseminating information and insights on various development issues, amplifying the voices of marginalized communities, and fostering public engagement. Through this partnership, UNDP gains a broader outreach and influence, as the media helps showcase the impact of UNDP's initiatives and projects to a global audience. 

UNDP and the UN

UNDP stands as a crucial pillar within the United Nations system, specializing in sustainable development and global progress. Collaborating closely with 19 UN agencies operating in Georgia, UNDP has a pivotal role in advancing the UN's collective mission to address complex global challenges. Together we work to promote peace, social inclusion, human rights, and environmental protection. By leveraging its expertise and resources in partnership with other UN agencies, UNDP strives to create a more equitable, prosperous, and sustainable world, in alignment with the overarching goals of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.