Statement on the Declaration of the End of Ebola Outbreak in Uganda

Statement on the Declaration of the End of Ebola Outbreak in Uganda
January 12, 2023
On Wednesday January 11th, 2023, the Government of Uganda declared the end of Ebola Outbreak, less than four months after the first case was reported on September 20th, 2022.
In the declaration, the Minister of Health Hon. Dr. Jane Ruth Aceng highlighted interventions and best practices that helped Uganda to contain the virus in record time, appreciated partners and set priorities moving forward.
UNDP supported the National Ebola response in: (a) Risk Communication and Community Engagement; (b) Strengthening EVD Response Coordination at National and Sub-national Levels; (c) Infection Prevention and Control (IPC); (d) Human Resource Support; and (e) Socio-economic Impact Assessment and Early Recovery.