2024 Africa Sustainable Development Report

2024 Africa Sustainable Development Report
July 16, 2024
The 2024 Africa Sustainable Development Report (ASDR) reviews the status of the implementation of the two Agendas in Africa and offers policy recommendations to facilitate their attainment. As in previous years, the 2024 report aligns with the theme and corresponding Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the high-level political forum on sustainable development (HLPF) selected for any particular year. In this context, the SDGs under review by the 2024 HLPF focus on ending poverty (Goal 1); eliminating hunger (Goal 2); combating climate change (Goal 13); promoting peaceful societies (Goal 16) and strengthening global partnerships (Goal 17). Each SDG is analysed in relation to the corresponding goal of the African Union Agenda 2063.
The findings of the report highlight the need for Africa to accelerate progress on SDGs 1, 2 and 17, reverse the negative trend on climate action (Goal 13) and strengthen statistical systems to track performance particularly on good governance (SDG 16), where data limitations abound and inhibit performance tracking. For Africa, less than 6 percent of the 32 measurable SDG targets are on track to be achieved by 2030. Of the remaining measurable targets, 21 need achieving in the region and the negative trends for 8 need to be reversed. Overall, data gaps prevent a full picture of the continent’s performance.