Baseline Assessment of Development Minerals in Uganda – Reports
Baseline Assessment of Development Minerals in Uganda – Reports
May 24, 2018
The ACP-EU Development Minerals Programme, is a pioneering three-year, multi-country initiative of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States, funded by the European Union and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and implemented by UNDP.
The Programme seeks to build the profile and improve the management of Development Minerals. Development Minerals are minerals and materials that are mined, processed, manufactured and used domestically in industries such as construction, manufacturing, infrastructure and agriculture.
Through capacity building of diverse stakeholders in government, private sector and civil society, the Programme aims to: (i) Enhance employment and incomes, including those of women; (ii) Improve the policy and regulatory environment; (iii) Minimize environmental impacts on communities; (iv) Address individual and community rights and preventing conflict; (v) Ensure decent working conditions and (vi) Facilitate South-South cooperation and cross-country learning.
In order to support these aims and, in particular, country-level efforts of the ACP-EU Development Minerals Programme in Uganda, a comprehensive “Baseline Assessment and Value Chain Analysis of Development Minerals in Uganda” was undertaken. The assessment is divided into two volumes:
Volume 1: Baseline Assessment of Development Minerals in Uganda. The first volume is comprised of four main components: (i) baseline profile of the sector; (ii) policy, legal and institutional framework; (iii) institutional operating context; and (iv) analysis of environmental, occupational and social impacts.
Volume 2: Baseline Assessment of Development Minerals in Uganda: Market Study and Value Chain Analysis. The second volume represents the fifth component of the Baseline Assessment. The report is divided into two main sections: (i) a market study providing an overarching picture of the current market and key factors affecting demand, future market trends and the investment climate; and (ii) value chain analyses of 4 focus minerals – clay, sand, stone aggregate and dimension stones - chosen from the 8 minerals covered in Volume 1.