Rule of Law & Justice Reform
UN Strategic Objective One: Assist the political transition, progress towards democratic governance, in the protection and promotion of human rights, rule of law and sustainable peace.
UN Strategic Objective Three: Assist peacebuilding, civilian protection, and rule of law, in particular in Darfur, Blue Nile and South Kordofan.
Justice and rule of law are critical for peace, stabilization, security and conflict mitigation and prevention. As such durable system of laws, institutions, norms and community commitments that deliver accountability, just laws, good governance and access to justice are integral to the future stability of Sudan and long-term prosperity.
In line with key components of the constitutional arrangements and the Juba Peace Agreement, UNDP promotes rule of law, security and human rights at the community, subnational and national level through:
- Approaches that constructively engage legal pluralism and multiple sources of legitimate dispute resolution and problem solving in communities – leveraging existing levels of trust in formal and informal justice mechanisms.
- Strategic interventions that are informed with the state of statelessness and lack of judicial protection, manifested in challenges citizens face in ensuring their basic rights and fulfilling their needs.
- Pursuing pragmatic area-based programming that is country-oriented and people-centered, targeting communities in an integrated, inclusive, participatory, and adaptable manner.
- At the community – working alongside other agencies, funds and programmes and leveraging on community partnerships – this approach includes: supporting community-based and alternative dispute resolution mechanisms; promoting long-term legal empowerment and judicial accountability; countering violent extremism through research-informed programming that respects freedoms, civil liberties, and human rights; improving community access to security (protection of civilians) and justice through community policing and legal aid; investing in building the capacity of local civil society on a variety of axes as well as working with civil society to increase access to justice.