Darfur Community Peace and Stability Fund Project

About the Fund

Darfuri communities have a long and tested history of solving intra and inter communal conflicts through negotiation and mediation. While many years of ongoing conflict has threatened to erode these community mechanisms, the foundation for peace in Darfur remains. 

The Darfur Community Peace and Stability Fund (DCPSF) is a multi-donor programme established in 2007 to support the people of Darfur in their efforts to rebuild these long-established community mechanisms through mediation, reconciliation and peaceful settlement of intra and inter communal conflicts that often manifest in different forms. Its core mission is to support local peace and security.  

Over the years, DCPSF’s support has contributed to improving peace and cooperation within and between communities in the region. Specifically, the DCPSF partners with UN agencies, International NGOs, Sudanese NGOs and CSOs to;

  • Strengthen Community-Based Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation Mechanisms (CBRMs) and ensure that they are working effectively to resolve conflict.
  • Ensure peace dividends for community interdependence and co-existence are delivered through livelihoods and effective natural resource management.
  • Promote women’s organizations, including those representing pastoralist women, empowered to meaningfully participate in local and state level peacebuilding platforms.
  • Support the building of peacebuilding networks that advocate for peace in the region and provide the link between upstream initiatives and the broader Sudan peacebuilding architecture.

About Darfur

Darfur is a region in Western Sudan that has for several years suffered with a complex conflict situation due to the diverse nature of its people, borders as well as the scarce resources and environmental factors. In the last few years, through the efforts of the Government, the local communities and various development partners including the United Nations, peace has become a credible option for Darfur.

About DCPSF Phase II

DCPSF is currently implementing its Phase II extension which started in 2018. Due to delays caused by the COVID19 Pandemic, the actual implementation of projects began in 2021 and will conclude in 2023.  The Phase kicked off after the last Call for Proposals (CfP) was completed by the DCPSF Technical Secretariat (TS). The process concluded with the selection by TS and endorsement by the Steering Committee of 17 new projects implemented by 17 Implementing Partner Non-Governmental Organisations (10 National and 7 International).  The 24 months projects build on previous efforts and the 2019/2020 Conflict Analysis report to address the current context in Darfur particularly with the drawdown of UNAMID and its forces.  The projects are located in all 5 states of Darfur and are funded by the Governments of Sweden, United Kingdom, Norway, and Switzerland.  

Administration of the Fund

The DCPSF Steering Committee: The DCPSF Steering Committee is led by the UN Resident Coordinator and composed of the UNDP Resident Representative as well as contributing donors who oversee the strategic direction of the Fund.

The DCPSF Technical Secretariat: The DCPSF Technical Secretariat (TS) is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Fund and sets the ground for decision-making processes related to the DCPSF. It supports the Steering Committee in setting the DCPSF’s strategic direction and priorities. It has a staff presence both in Khartoum and on ground in Darfur. With each funding round, the Technical Secretariat leads in the Calls for Proposals ensuring that each round is based on a up to date conflict analysis that ensures funding goes where it is most needed.

DCPSF Administrative Agent (AA): The Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office (MPTF Office) of the United Nations Development Programme serves as the Administrative Agent (AA) and is responsible for concluding Standard Administrative Arrangements (SAA) with donors and Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) with Participating UN Organizations. It receives, administers and manages contributions from Donors.

DCPSF Management Agent Role: As Participating UN Organization to the DCPSF, UNDP Country Office manages the access to National and International NGO to pooled funds, through grant, under the directives of the Steering Committee chaired by the Resident Coordinator.

DCPSF Current Donors: DCPSF’s work is made possible without the generous contributions of our funding partners including the Government of Sweden, the Government of United Kingdom, the Government of Norway and the Government of Switzerland. In 2019, they contributed a total of US$ 7,114,236 for DCPSF’s projects.



January 2021


February 2023




Sudan, Republic of the


United Nations Development Programme


MPTF-Darfur Com Peace Stability










Full Project information