Democratic Transition and Economic Recovery
UNITAMS Strategic Objective One: Assist the political transition, progress towards democratic governance in the protection and promotion of human rights, and sustainable peace.
UNITAMS Strategic Objective Four: Support the mobilization of economic and development assistance and coordination of humanitarian assistance.
Political transition and democratic governance are a prerequisite for restoring peace and stability. The primary focus is support to state and institution-building and/or the broader institutional reforms and widening civic space for enhancing effective participation in inclusive political processes. Furthermore, a stable economy that is developed and benefitting from e-governance solutions, strong human capital, and improved infrastructure, further supported with an Aid Information Management System (AIMS) that tracks inflows and outflows of Official Development Assistance (ODA), significantly increases accountability and public trust, thereby acting as a tool for maintaining peace and stability in the country.
While momentarily delayed by the political impasse in the country, UNDP initiatives in this regard currently focus on two areas. The first, democratic institutional reform, focuses on capacity development by strengthening Sudan’s federal and state institutions. This includes utilizing Sudan’s strong diaspora community to supplement the civil service and supporting public sector reform activities. Additionally, to enhance transparency and accountability of funds provided by the international community to the government, UNDP aims to provide effective coordination services for for ODA flows and humanitarian assistance.
The second, economic recovery, includes creating the foundations for inclusive growth and economic development, targeting poverty reduction and economic challenges caused by a worsening economic crises in the country and adverse global developments. At the macro and micro level, UNDP provides support for developing adaptive solutions to spur a conducive investment environment and digital acceleration including e-finance, creative economy growth, entrepreneurship and progressive social policies - particularly focusing on enabling the informal economy and the private sector for enhancing youth and women’s employment.
Our solutions
- In cooperation with UNICEF, contributing to participatory, SDG-based, and equitable pro-poor public budgeting as part of the National Development Plan.
- Ensuring business continuity during COVID-19 and the transition period for ministries and core government offices, as well as for independent bodies and similar entities.
- Enhancing the capacity and governance structures within the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning to ensure the Transitional Government leads the coordination of development aid, integrated into a National Development Plan aligned with Agenda 2030 and the SDGs.
- Contributing to participatory, SDG-based, and equitable pro-poor public budgeting as part of the National Development Plan.
- In collaboration with the Transitional Government, and in partnership with IOM and UNV, designing a mechanism that facilitates technical and financial investment in Sudan from Sudanese diaspora throughout the world.
- Scaling up social safety nets and trust-building efforts, to revitalise the informal economy and enable self-sufficiency for women and youth.
- Supporting the expansion of agricultural productivity and production to ensure food supply and supply chains, in partnership with FAO and IFAD. This includes developing policy and regulatory frameworks and providing technical assistance on climate adaptation and business loans.
- Supporting disadvantaged women, youth, and households to access finance and e-banking services, in support of agricultural and livelihood opportunities, including for host communities, returnees, and those in remote areas.
- Reducing the rising poverty levels in urban slums by implementing an Urban Poverty Reduction Programme.
- Exploring opportunities for leapfrogging digitalization and e-governance in public administration, while ensuring connectivity between different levels of state authorities.
Achievements in 2021 include:
- Developed Sudan Aid Information Database (SAID) to serve as the sole and official repository for aid data. This web-based database will provide the Government of Sudan (GoS) and partners with a central point for obtaining information about development activities being undertaken in the country with the support of Development Partners.
Launched the Sudan Partnership Forum (SPF) as the supreme national development coordination framework/architecture, which will aim to bring together the combined efforts of the Government and Development Partners to align with Sudan’s development agenda once the transition to civilian rule resumes.
Promoted diaspora engagement in Sudan.
Our valued partners