Director of UNDP Seoul Policy Centre is speaking on stage with a presentation.

Seoul Policy Centre

Focus areas

Republic of Korea and UNDP in action

Integrated development solutions driven by country priorities and UNDP’s new Strategic Plan.

Our Strategic Plan 2022-2025 introduces the evolution of #NextGenUNDP into #FutureSmartUNDP. More than a mantra, it is our new benchmark for success in the future of development. Building on UNDP’s 50 years of expertise across 170 countries, this new approach allows us to focus and prioritize where country demands are the greatest. By working together in this way, we aim to expand people’s choices for a fairer, sustainable future, in which people and planet thrive together. 


The UNDP Seoul Policy Centre (USPC) contributes to the Strategic Plan through:

Knowledge generated, connected, and shared to strengthen policies and programmes leveraging UNDP’s thought leadership: USPC facilitates knowledge exchange events and produces knowledge products such as policy briefs and analytical pieces to i) identify and establish partnerships between UNDP and Korea on green and digital issues, and to ii) support UNDP, the Republic of Korea, partner countries, and other IOs to enhance their capacities to fight corruption, prevent sexual and gender-based violence, enable sustainable forestry, enhance development effectiveness and leverage private sector expertise for development.

Strategic partnerships expanded for common and complementary results and solutions: USPC implements SDG Partnerships while exploring, in parallel, new modalities to broker and scale innovative triangular partnerships between UNDP, Korean and international partners on green and digital issues to facilitate comprehensive development solutions based on country-level demand.


SDG Partnerships


Why Knowledge Exchange?

Knowledge exchange is a crucial dimension of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To achieve the SDGs, Target 17.9 states that countries should “enhance international support for implementing effective and targeted capacity building in developing countries to support national plans and implement all sustainable development goals, including through North-South, South-South, and triangular cooperation.” It is increasingly recognized that effective knowledge sharing through development cooperation contributes to policy innovations for the implementation of SDGs.

USPC facilitates global knowledge exchange of innovative and tested-and-proven policy solutions in select thematic areas. We focus on facilitating dynamic and concrete knowledge exchange between the Republic of Korea and the developing world, as well as among developing countries and among OECD countries and with South-South Cooperation providers.


What are SDG Partnerships?

Drawing on the expertise of Korean and international partners, USPC works closely with developing countries, implementing a strategic sequence of activities that support developing countries to benchmark, adapt, localize and institutionalize relevant development tools. SDG Partnerships convene global policy discussions, produce knowledge products to share Korea’s innovative and tested-and-proven policy tools, and provide advisory support for partner countries in the thematic areas.

Through SDG Partnerships, USPC supports partner countries around the world in the four main thematic areas of Development Cooperation Approaches and Modalities, Governance and Gender, Green Recovery and Transition, and Private Sector Engagement and Development.



Our achievements

In 2023, USPC implemented 24 SDG Partnerships in 21 partner countries.