Manuals for Political Parties - Preparations for the 2022 National Elections

Manuals for Political Parties - Preparations for the 2022 National Elections

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Manuals for Political Parties - Preparations for the 2022 National Elections

January 25, 2022

This booklet is prepared purposely to inform the parties on what is expected of them to undertake at this time when preparing for the 2022 national elections. At the same time, it contains information on the activities and programs that the Registry of Political Parties is involved with and currently rolling out as preparing for the 2022 national elections. The relevant provisions of the Organic Law on the Integrity of Political Parties and Candidates (OLIPPAC) are currently enforceable and relevant excerpts are attached at Annex 1. A number of changes have been proposed to the Organic Law and amendment Bill is currently before Parliament. If those amendments are enacted by Parliament, the Registry will make it our business to inform all the relevant stakeholders on these changes. It is in the interest of the Registry that the information provided in this booklet would be relevant and useful for the political parties and its executives to read and take note of the key components that would promote the parties and to get the parties to start preparing for the 2022 national elections.