Oversight of the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals


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Oversight of the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals

May 13, 2019

The aim of this Guidance Note is to assist Committees in making the SDGs central to the work of the Parliament and in engaging effectively with the SDGs in all areas of Committee work. The Guidance Note starts with an overview of the SDGs and 2030 Agenda and why they are relevant to the Parliament of Fiji and its Committees. It offers practical guidance regarding specific entry points to proactively engage in the implementation and oversight of the SDGs and discusses specific methods, tools and innovative approaches that can be used by the Committees to actively monitor SDG implementation; including through the examination of SDG and NDP indicators that have been categorised according to the remits of the Standing Committees. Moreover, the Guidance Note includes a series of sample questions, checklists, case studies, step-by-step guides, examples of international case studies and a selection of useful resources.