Regional Guidelines to Integrate Gender Perspectives, Gender-Based Violence Minimum Standards and Practical Solutions for Responding to Violence against Women and Girls and Family Violence

Regional Guidelines to Integrate Gender Perspectives, Gender-Based Violence Minimum Standards and Practical Solutions for Responding to Violence against Women and Girls and Family Violence
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DownloadRegional Guidelines to Integrate Gender Perspectives, Gender-Based Violence Minimum Standards and Practical Solutions for Responding to Violence against Women and Girls and Family Violence
December 26, 2023
The present report provides Common Standards designed and formulated to promote greater access to quality police and justice services for all women and girls who have experienced gender-based or family violence. The Standards are intended to provide regional police and justice organizations with guidelines that can serve as a basis for their own approaches to addressing violence against women and girls (VAWG) and family violence (FV), as well as strengthen their ability to positively influence the development and implementation of procedures followed by Caribbean States at the national level. The Standards are rooted in the objective of Pillar 2 of the Spotlight Regional Programme in the Caribbean: to strengthen institutional responses to both violence and against women and girls and family violence.