Country Programme Action Plan Annual Review 2015


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Country Programme Action Plan Annual Review 2015

January 5, 2019

The 2012-2016 Country Programme Action Plan (CPAP) operationalizes the Country Programme for 2012-2016 and was developed in close consultation with the Government and key in-country development partners.  The UNDP Guyana, through the current CPAP, responds to the development challenges affecting Guyana as outlined in the country’s Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) 2010 (updated in 2013), the Poverty Reduction Strategy 2006 and the National Competitiveness Strategy 2006.  The CPAP itself is aligned with the four thematic areas identified by the Government of Guyana and the UN System in Guyana as reflected in the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) for 2011-2016. The four UNDAF thematic areas are: Environment and Sustainable Development, Inclusive Growth, Inclusive Governance and Human and Social Development.
The 2014 Annual Review Meeting held on 6 February 2015 aimed to determine the status of the implementation of the CPAP and to make recommendations for its more efficient and effective implementation, monitoring and evaluation, as necessary.  The Annual Review also provided an opportunity for Implementing Partners (IPs) to learn more about the UNDP 2014-2017 Strategic Plan and the need for country-level programming to be aligned to the new Plan.