
High-Frequency Phone Surveys

UNDP joined forces with the World Bank in 2021 to monitor how individuals and households in Latin America and the Caribbean navigated through the COVID-19 pandemic using High-Frequency Phone Surveys (HFPS) —what shocks hit people most, how they responded, and how shocks and responses varied across households and individuals along the income distribution and other characteristics.

This inter-institutional alliance escalated a World Bank project from 2020 to reach 24 LAC countries in 2021 twice. A first survey wave went to the field between May and July, and a second one was collected at the end of the year, between November and December.

The survey questionnaires used in these survey waves were jointly designed, and we also teamed up with The World Bank to produce joint analytical reports using the data collected.

This web page is a repository of the jointly produced work with The World Bank and the work produced independently by the UNDP RBLAC SDG and Development Policy Team to continue to inform the region.



Mid 2021 (Wave 1)



Year end 2021 (Wave 2)



Access to microdata (Waves 1 & 2)