Youth shaping sustainable and innovative solutions for Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

April 15, 2024
Event Details

18 April 2024

1:15 PM (NY Time)




Young people in Latin America and the Caribbean are pivotal partners in realizing the Sustainable Development Goals and the Agenda 2030. Although they are a considerable and vibrant part of the populace with the potential to drive social change and sustainable development, they encounter various obstacles impeding their full growth and societal involvement. This situation underscores the pressing necessity to tackle the impediments to their access to rights and opportunities, thereby guaranteeing a sustainable future.

Effective democratic governance is indispensable for advancing towards fairer, more inclusive, just and peaceful societies, conforming to the tenets of SDG 16 that endorses peace, justice, and strong institutions. Hence, strengthening public institutions to provide young individuals with quality services is critical, cultivating an enabling environment for their growth and vigorous involvement in social and political policies and programmes.

Youth, Peace, and Security Agenda accentuates the essential role young people play, not as mere beneficiaries, but as key drivers in conflict prevention and peacebuilding, as acknowledged by UN Security Council Resolution 2250. The digitization of access to justice is a significant stride towards increasing the efficiency and reachability of legal services for the youth.This demands a commitment to thorough analysis and the generation of solid evidence to underpin the creation of policies and initiatives that align with their needs and aspirations.

Revising and enhancing institutional frameworks to accurately represent the young people is critical. Involving young people in decision-making and governance and establishing the

foundation for just and peaceful communities. Transparency and accountability are essential in this endeavor, ensuring youth not only have a voice but also actively contribute to the enhancement of their communities and countries.

In this vein, the ECOSOC Youth Forum has been identified as a strategic platform for broaching these topics with key partners such as the International Youth Organization for Ibero-America (OIJ) and the Conference of Ministers of Justice of the Ibero-American Countries (COMJIB); facilitating an intergenerational exchange of experiences and insights among representatives of youth national official organizations, young leaders, youth networks representatives, and other relevant actors. Participants will partake in the forum sessions, both virtually and in person.


Objectives of the side event, including relation with the SDGs identified in the Guidelines

1) To facilitate a robust dialogue that engages with SDG 16 through a youth lens, providing a platform for diverse voices to share current challenges and opportunities in fostering just, inclusive, and peaceful societies.

2) To highlight the efforts and innovative solutions of youth-led organizations working towards Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions; emphasizing the role of youth leadership and the need for an intergenerational action toward the future.

3) To promote digital inclusion and leverage frontier technologies as catalysts for advancing the objectives outlined in SDG 16, fostering greater access to justice, transparency, and accountability among young people.

4) To reveal and construct strategic narratives that drive the YPS Agenda in the LAC region, spurring tangible actions and specificities of the region.

5) In the spirit of the SDG17 partnerships for the Goals, to enhance intergenerational cooperation that collectively advance inclusive, peaceful and just societies with strong institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean and beyond.

