Rice fields in Savannakhet, Lao PDR. Photo: UNDP Lao PDR / Lou Sensouphone
Vientiane, 12/April/2018 – UNDP is partnering with Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute to develop a Funding Proposal to the Green Climate Fund entitled “Promoting climate resilient systems for improved food and nutrition security among the most vulnerable communities in Lao PDR”.
The design of the project has been done with extensive consultations with stakeholders at national, provincial, district and community levels. Consultations have included gender considerations and ethnic groups.
As part of the consultation process, the “Social and Environmental Screening Template” and “Environmental and Social Management Framework” have been prepared as part of the social safeguards requirements.
The two documents are now available in Lao and English for public review. Please find them at the links provided below. Stakeholders are invited to review these documents as part of GCF public disclosure procedures.
Read this in Lao
Social and Environmental Screening Template in English
Social and Environmental Screening Template in Lao
Environmental and Social Management Framework in English
Environmental and Social Management Framework in Lao
For comments and additional information, please contact:
Ms. Chitlatda Keomuongchanh, Programme Officer, Natural Resources Management and Climate Change, UNDP Lao PDR
E-mail: chitlatda.keomuongchanh@undp.org
Office: +856 21 267 782, Mobile: +856 (0) 20 55626162