Board Meeting of the UXO Project Hosted by UNDP in Vientiane Capital
July 19, 2024

(From the left) UNDP Lao PDR Resident Representative, Mrs. Martine Thérer and H.E. Mr. Phoxay Khaykhamphithoune, Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs co-chairing the first Project Board Meeting of 2024 of the project “Supporting Effectiveness and Efficiency in the UXO Sector to contribute to the achievement of SDG 18 and Safe Path Forward III (SPF III)”.
July 19, 2024, Vientiane Capital – During the first six months of 2024, with the support of UNDP UXO project, Lao national UXO clearance operators, UXO Lao and Unit 58 (the humanitarian demining team of the Lao People’s Army) surveyed 2,069 hectares of land, identified 801 hectares as Confirmed Hazardous Areas (CHAs), and cleared 386 hectares of unexploded ordnance in 8 provinces. Close to 10,183 UXOs were destroyed.
Presented during the first Project Board Meeting of 2024 of the project “Supporting Effectiveness and Efficiency in the UXO Sector to contribute to the achievement of SDG 18 and Safe Path Forward III (SPF III)”, these achievements benefited 24,325 people who can now safely access land that was previously contaminated with unexploded remnants of the Second Indochina War.
The project, funded by Canada, Ireland, Korea (KOICA), Luxembourg and New Zealand, also supported Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE) initiatives that reached more than 47,000 individuals (48% women), as well as the work of the National Regulatory Authority (NRA), in its role as regulator and coordinator of the UXO sector.
While welcoming these results, the Project Board expressed concern at the rise in UXO casualties during the first half of 2024. As of June, 43 UXO casualties have been reported, with 60% of the victims being children. Project Board members agreed that this, and other challenges highlighted during the presentations, emphasized the need for accelerated UXO clearance to protect people’s lives, remove a key obstacle to Lao PDR’s socioeconomic development, and unlock progress across the Sustainable Development Goals, leaving no one behind.
H.E. Mr. Phoxay Khaykhamphithoune, Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, encouraged local governments to involve national, provincial, or district UXO Regulatory Authorities in the early stages of development planning to guarantee adequate budget allocation, and ensure that communities fully reap the benefits of clearance operations. The Vice-Minister also called for greater coordination between central and provincial authorities in the implementation of Lao PDR’s national UXO goals and legislation, under the leadership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Ms. Martine Thérer, UNDP Resident Representative in Lao PDR, who co-chaired the meeting with the Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, underlined the need to continue to raise awareness about the impact of UXO contamination on the country’s development trajectory and to mobilize international solidarity to accelerate clearance and provide greater assistance to victims. She commended the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare for their leadership and coordination of the sector, and thanked UXO Lao and Unit 58 for their dangerous and arduous work bringing safety to communities across the country, in line with Lao PDR’s SDG18 target, ‘Lives safe from UXO’.
The meeting was attended by high-level representatives of the Government, the Lao Womens Union and provincial authorities, as well as Mr. Bounpheng Sisawath, Acting Director General of the NRA, Mr. Anousak Phongsa, National Programme Director of the UXO Lao, and Mr. Phonekeo Oradom, Head of Unit 58. Development partners and donors included the Country Director of Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) and representatives from the Embassies of Ireland, Luxembourg, and New Zealand.
Aksonethip Somvorachit, Communications Analyst, UNDP Lao PDR