In depth
In depth
UNDP assistance is designed to support:
- Strengthened local government capacities for inclusive local-green economic development;
- Innovative solutions developed through public-private partnerships that will stimulate inclusive local economic development;
- Increased income and employment opportunities for vulnerable groups; and
- Improved social cohesion and environment-friendly business practices, especially in growth-promising economic sectors that have high impact on employment creation.
UNDP works to support both the central level (for PSDS) and in underserved regions, especially those liberated from ISIL, southern governorates and the Baghdad belt.
UNDP is also working toward the elaboration of a sustainable livelihoods strategy that will starts with the mapping of ongoing and future initiatives to identify partnerships for future programming. UNDP will build on existing partnerships with municipalities and governorate councils to pioneer public-private partnership initiatives, while further exploring partnerships with the private sector and the International Labour Organization (ILO) for skills advancement and SME and private sector development. Women and youth will be key target groups in all these activities.
A young man collects cucumbers from his kitchen garden after recieving training in Urban Agriculture.
What we have achieved
UNDP continues to work toward improved people-centred economic policies and legislation contributing to inclusive, gender sensitive and diversified economic growth, with focus on increasing income security and decent work for women, youth and vulnerable populations.
Since 2014, country office programming has supported:
- Employment opportunities for more than 20,000 IDPs, refugees and vulnerable host community members through cash-for-work;
- More than 8,000 small businesses (including more than 3,000 owned by women) through asset recovery and small business grants;
- More than 1,600 individuals through placement in permanent jobs or apprenticeships (including more than 400 women);
- Employability and vocational training, including literacy and language courses for more than 5,000 IDPs, refugees and vulnerable host community members.