Rural Women receive support to strengthen and sustain their livelihoods activities
13 novembre 2021

Ms Mikamona, a beneficiary of the support provided to women in Ngangalingolo on Oct 15, 2020
Mrs MIKAMONA Flore is a Congolese woman living in Goma Tse Tse a village located in the Pool region approximatively around 22 km (13.67 miles) of Brazzaville. Her daily life and ability to care for her family and children are greatly affected by her disability and her access to adequate support. Although she has never let her disability stop her from being almost completely autonomous and financially independent, she recently has been struggling as her wheelchair/tricycle was no longer in functional shape to allow her to carry out her daily duties.
Women in general, are often facing a lot of challenges and were particularly affected by the socio-economic impacts of the COVID19 pandemic. The support she received was made possible through the "Strengthening of the consolidation of peace, through socio-economic recovery, dialogue and education of young people, in communities affected by the conflict in the region of the pool and its surroundings" project, supported by the government of Japan with its 2019 supplementary budget. Along with Mrs. Mikamona, 40 other active cooperatives composed of a majority of women (approximatively around 240 persons), benefited from various agricultural equipment and materials that will enable them to restart their income-generating activities negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. They will also benefit from technical training in the coming weeks as they endeavour to sustain their activities. This support provided in partnership with the Ministry of Health, Population, Woman, the promotion of women and the integration of women to development was carried through a ceremony held on October 15, 2020.

Celebrating the International Day for rural women in Ngagalingolo, 2020
This action falls within the framework of the implementation of Japan and UNDP’s goal to support economic and social recovery, reintegration and improvement of the living condition in the Pool region and neighbouring departments such as Brazzaville and Bouenza.
Aimed at consolidating the achievements of the joint project "Consolidation of peace and start of the process Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration in the Pool", financed through the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund, this support also served in demonstrating UNDP’s commitment to accompanying the Congolese government in order to support the recovery of populations, and especially the most vulnerable ended in a friendly atmosphere.
This handover ceremony was an opportunity for the beneficiaries to express their gratitude to the Government and to the Technical and Financial Partners, in particular Japan, for this considerable support which will enable them to ensure their autonomy and contribute to the achieve the SDGs and notably the SDG 2 on the eradication of hunger as well as the SDG 5 on gender equality.
“I am deeply grateful to our government and Japan for this help. It will be of great support in taking care of my 10 children.”Mrs Mikamona