Documenting Best Practices for three climate projects

Ethiopia - Documenting best practices for climate projects

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Documenting Best Practices for three climate projects

August 8, 2022

GEF and UNDP funded five-year projects (April 2017-2022) through the Federal Environment, Forest and Climate Change Commission implementing;

1. Climate Resilient and Green Economy Plans in Highland areas in Ethiopia (CCA), designed to integrate climate risks and opportunities into policy- and decision-making, as well as reducing vulnerability and building the adaptive capacity of local communities through CCA interventions, in eight Woredas of the Five Regions in Ethiopia: Dessie and Dawa Chefe (Amhara region); Atsbi Wenberta and Tahtay Koraro (Tigray region); Yaya Gulele and Sebeta Hawas (Oromia region) and Hawassa and Arba Minch (SNNP region); and Sidama region.

2. Enhanced Management and Enforcement of Ethiopia’s Protected Area Estate (EMPAS) project, designed to counter the threats to biodiversity and overcome the barriers to effective management of protected areas (five selected pilot PAs: Omo, Mago, Chebera Chuchura and Kafta Shiraro National Park and Babille Elephant Sanctuary) and to combatting illegal wildlife trade.

3. Integrated Landscape Management to Enhance Food Security and Ecosystem Resilience in Ethiopia (IAP), designed to restore and sustainably manage key environmental resources, in six regions and 12 project woreda sites. Collectively these sites provide a representative sample of the agro-ecological conditions and typical land degradation and climate change issues in the country.