Ethiopia has made rapid progress in the economic sector and provision of social services over the past two decades. However, there is a long way to go in terms of ensuring good governance, consolidating democracy, rule of law, protection of human rights, prevention of violent conflicts, managing diversity and promoting social cohesion. As part of a comprehensive political, socio-economic and legal reform initiatives undertaken by the Government of Ethiopia, advancing rule of law and access to justice have been prioritized.

The project on judicial reform in Ethiopia supports increased access to justice, strengthening judicial independence and improved courts’ performance. 

What we have accomplished so far:

  • The federal judiciary has benefited from the services of the consultant that have contributed to strengthening its capacity, efficiency and ability to make policy decisions based on evidence and research.
  • Project supported reduction of case backlog at Federal Courts by 53%.
  • Vehicles (3) and other office furniture/equipment  procured, for strengthening efficiency of the Federal judiciary.
  • Public awareness on the judicial reform, justice and rule of law raised through Television Programs;
  • Communications officers deployed to build the capacity of communications and public relations departments at lower level Federal courts;
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution mechanisms strengthened through support to newly established six court annexed mediation centers.
  • Assessment on challenges encountered by GBV survivors during adjudication conducted, followed by subsequent consultation workshop on the assessment.