By Etagegnehu Getachew, project coordinator at UNDP's Democratic Governance and Peacebuilding Unit
Youth as Catalysts for Peace and Security
December 6, 2024

In Ethiopia, the Youth Peace and Security (YPS) agenda is emerging as a critical cornerstone in building sustainable peace.
With over 75% of the population under the age of 30, Ethiopia’s youth hold immense potential to shape the nation’s future.
Recognizing this, the Ethiopian government, in collaboration with UNDP and other partners, is taking meaningful steps to ensure young people are at the heart of peacebuilding initiatives.
A major milestone in this journey is the ongoing development of a National Action Plan (NAP) on YPS, led by the Ministry of Women and Social Affairs.
This aligns with UN Security Council Resolution 2250, a global framework that underscores the importance of engaging youth as peacebuilders, leaders, and partners.
Driving the Agenda Forward
UNDP, alongside other UN agencies, has launched three targeted initiatives to advance the YPS agenda in Ethiopia:
Investing in Evidence for Action
A study has been initiated to analyze the challenges and opportunities for Ethiopian youth in the context of peace and security. This evidence-based approach aims to inform advocacy, programs, and partnerships that empower youth to take active roles in peacebuilding.

training session in Mekele city
Capacity-Building through Training
A series of YPS programming workshops have been delivered to government institutions, civil society organizations, and international agencies. Conducted in partnership with UNDP RSCA, UNFPA, IOM, UN Women, and other stakeholders, these trainings have equipped participants with the skills and knowledge to integrate YPS into their work and communities.
It was heartening when I heard some of the trainees reflect, “We will no longer perceive the youths as victims and actors of conflict BUT as agents of peace and development”.
They also said that they felt in a better position to design and implement youth-responsive and inclusive programmes in the context of the YPS.
Learning from Regional Experiences
An experience-sharing workshop brought together technical experts from the Ministry of Women and Social Affairs to learn from countries like Nigeria, Gambia, and Cameroon.
These sessions offered practical insights into navigating the complexities of YPS NAP preparation and implementation, tailored to Ethiopia’s unique context.
Sustaining the Momentum
Realizing the full potential of the YPS agenda in Ethiopia requires collective action. Development partners, government bodies, and civil society must come together to provide the technical and financial resources needed to drive progress.
As the youth of Ethiopia step into roles as peace agents, leaders, and collaborators, they have the opportunity to shape a future free from violence, where their voices are a cornerstone of national stability.
By capitalizing on these ongoing efforts, Ethiopia can build a robust and inclusive peace framework that empowers its young population to lead transformative change. Now is the time to invest in youth and ensure their rightful place in shaping a peaceful and secure Ethiopia.
The Five Key Reasons why UNDP Engages
1. Youth Demographics - Potential and fragility
Ethiopia has a young population, with over 75% under the age of 30. This demographic is both a challenge and an opportunity. Young people are often disproportionately affected by socio-political and economic instability, but they also hold immense potential as agents of peace, innovation, and development. Empowering youth aligns with UNDP’s mission to promote inclusive growth and sustainable development.
2. Alignment with Global Frameworks
UNDP is committed to helping Ethiopia implement global frameworks like UN Security Council Resolution 2250, which underscores the importance of involving youth in peace and security. Supporting Ethiopia’s development of a National Action Plan (NAP) on YPS reflects UNDP’s broader goal of promoting youth-led initiatives and ensuring that young people have a voice in decision-making processes.
3. Promoting Social and Economic Inclusion
Youth unemployment, lack of opportunities, and marginalization can drive young people toward violence and unrest. By investing in youth through the YPS agenda, UNDP aims to provide pathways for young people to contribute positively to society. This includes fostering economic opportunities, leadership roles, and community engagement, which are key to Ethiopia’s stability and growth.
4. Supporting National Priorities
The Ethiopian government’s commitment to adapting UNSCR 2250 into a localized framework through the YPS NAP reflects the country's recognition of youth as a vital asset. UNDP supports these efforts by providing technical expertise, resources, and global insights to ensure the success of the initiative.
5. Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
UNDP has an integrator role within the United Nations and the SDGs are at the heart of the UN's work. The YPS agenda directly contributes to SDG 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions) and SDG 10 (Reduced Inequalities) while also supporting SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth). UNDP’s involvement helps Ethiopia make progress toward these interconnected goals by empowering youth to play an active role in peace and security processes.
By supporting Ethiopia’s youth through the YPS agenda, UNDP is hoping to help the country address immediate challenges while also building the foundation for a more inclusive, peaceful, resilient and prosperous future.