Publication: MDG Report and Post 2015 Agenda, Belize 2013


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Publication: MDG Report and Post 2015 Agenda, Belize 2013

January 21, 2013

The current 2013 Belize MDGs Progress Report takes a stocktaking assessment of the country’s progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals documenting challenges that hindered progress and clearly identifying the ‘unfinished business’ or remaining and emerging priorities within the context of each MDG. Furthermore, the report also articulates a post 2015 development agenda building on the country’s experiences with the MDGs with a particular
focus on lessons learnt and their implications on informed policy making. This is the more critical given the development of the new Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy (GPRS) 2014-2017 that will essentially constitute the framework for both the country’s unfinished business with the
MDGs, and the post-2015 agenda.


  • Progress Achieved: in terms of progress on the MDGs, the country will meet the following targets: net primary education enrolment ratios and literacy rate (MDG 2); gender parity ratio in primary education (MDG 3); infant and child immunization rates (MGD 4); skilled birth attendance rate and antenatal care coverage(MDG 5)
  • Challenges Faced: The country will not meet its targets for poverty and hunger (MDG 1)
  • Prospects for Closing Gaps: The report can inform Belize’s second national Medium-Term Development Strategy entitled the Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy (GPRS) 2014-2017, to ensure it integrates targeted interventions to achieve the lagging MDGs and emerging priorities for the post-2015 period.
Document Type
Regions and Countries