Unlocking the Art of Impactful Communication: My Reflections on Communications Workshop

Mastering the Power of Connection: A Transformative Journey through the UNDP Communications Workshop

October 12, 2023

Stefan Liler engaging workshop participants with a thought-provoking speech, setting the tone for transformative communication at the UNDP Communications Workshop.

©UNDP Bangladesh

By Tasneem Islam Arna, Communications Assistant, UNDP Bangladesh


On the morning of September 3, 2023, the atmosphere was charged with anticipation and the aroma of coffee as I prepared to commence a transformative three-day experience: Communications Workshop, organized by the UNDP Communications team. While I had participated in numerous workshops in the past, this one held the promise of unveiling the secrets of impactful communication. Little did I realize that this workshop would prove to be an extraordinary journey filled with inspiration and profound insights.

As part of the UNDP Bangladesh Communications team, I took part in setting the agenda and defining the objective of the workshop. The primary objective of the Communications Workshop was nothing short of remarkable: to transform effective communication into an effortless skill for different groups, starting from Senior Management to Project Managers and the Communications focal persons. As I delved into the workshop sessions, it became abundantly clear that we were not merely here to learn; we were here to transform the way we connect, convey, and collaborate through the power of communication. This ambitious goal ignited a sense of curiosity and excitement among the participants, propelling me into the heart of the workshop's offerings.

The lead facilitator of the workshop was Cedric Monteiro, the regional communications specialist of UNDP Asia and the Pacific. The workshop kicked off with a resounding message: communication is not just about broadcasting messages; it's about fostering genuine connections. The first day of the workshop, dedicated to the Extended Management Team, was a promising start to our journey. We asked the fundamental questions of why and how we communicate, setting the stage for a deeper understanding of effective communication.

The day covered diverse topics, from crafting impactful Op-Eds to preparing for media interviews and mastering microblogging techniques. We even ventured into the world of Generative AI with a discussion on ChatGPT's role in communication. Thanks to our guest facilitators, Sushmita S Preetha, the editor of the editorial and opinion pages at The Daily Star, Mahfuz Mishu, a renowned figure in broadcast media, and Ishmam Chowdhury, whose background spans telecommunications to edtech respectively. The insights gained from day one left us eager and well-prepared for the days ahead, with a renewed commitment from the Extended Management Team to uplift our communications efforts and make an impact.

Stefan Liller captivates the audience on Day 2, delving into the crucial role of effective communication in achieving gender equality and project success

©UNDP Bangladesh

The second day of the workshop was for our project managers, and it was another enlightening chapter in our exploration of effective communication. Like the first day, we began by revisiting the fundamental questions of "Why we communicate and how we communicate," establishing a solid foundation for our communication strategies. The day continued with an emphasis on the vital role of communications in achieving gender equality, shedding light on the importance of Gender Seal certification by UNDP Regional Gender Team Leader, Koh Miyaoi. We also explored the world of blogging, discovering how to craft compelling narratives that resonate with our audience and tackled the intricacies of engaging with the media.

Additionally, we learned invaluable "Tips and Tricks on Mobile Photography," thanks to Dr. Abdul Kabil Khan, an Associate Professor at Daffodil International University, who facilitated the session. Following each session, we gained practical tools and valuable insights, further solidifying our resolve to enhance communication within our projects.

The final day of the workshop was designed for our designated Communications Focal persons for different projects, culminating our journey with a wealth of knowledge and inspiration. Like the past two days, we revisited the essential questions of "Why we communicate and how we communicate," ensuring a deep understanding of our communication fundamentals.

The day progressed with a deep dive into the current Communications Priorities for UNDP, providing us with a clear roadmap for our future endeavors. A highlight of the day was the exploration of the seamless blending between Communications and Partnership, revealing the potential for robust strategies and resource mobilization. We also delved into the critical topic of Disability Inclusive Communications Guidelines, underscoring our commitment to inclusivity in all our communication efforts with Alisa Sivathorn, Disability Inclusion and Empowerment Specialist at the UNDP Asia and the Pacific.

Cedric Monteiro, the Regional Communications Specialist of UNDP Asia and the Pacific, graciously receives a token of appreciation from the Bangladesh unit, marking a memorable end to a transformative three-day workshop.

©UNDP Bangladesh

Finally, the day concluded with valuable insights on Career Progression in Communications, inspiring us to continue our professional growth in this dynamic field. The collective experience of the workshop left us empowered and ready to advance UNDP's mission through impactful communication.

But beyond these enlightening sessions, a profound realization struck me: the undeniable importance of sharing and collaboration. "In the vast expanse of large organizations like UNDP, the sheer scale can sometimes overshadow individual voices. Yet, sharing isn't just about disseminating information; it's about weaving a tapestry of collective knowledge, fostering a sense of unity, and amplifying the impact of individual efforts. It bridges the gaps between departments, projects, and individuals, creating a cohesive narrative that resonates both internally and externally."

In the end, it wasn't just another workshop for me, but about understanding the value of clear messaging, innovative tools, and leading where our voice matters most. Reflecting on this experience, I'm motivated to ensure our messages resonate deeply and create a lasting impression. The workshop wasn't just a series of sessions; it was a transformative journey that has left me inspired, enlightened, and ready to make a difference through the power of communication.


Discover how a three-day Communications Workshop with UNDP not only transformed the way we think about communication, but also left us empowered to lead where our voice matters most. Dive into this journey filled with insights, collaboration, and the art of making a lasting impact.