Climate finance

Climate finance

The growing challenge of addressing climate change issues in developing countries requires a structured approach that uses government planning and budgeting system for a systematic domestic response.  While some governments have made substantial progress in establishing the formal systems and procedures for managing climate change-related public resources and funds, there are a number of challenges to open, accountable, and effective climate finance management.

Through UNDP, with DFID and Swedish support, several Asian and Pacific countries have introduced multiple reforms for mainstreaming climate change in planning and budgeting systems and consequently influencing the public investment design.

Building on existing initiatives that several governments in this region have already initiated, UNDP is enabling access to knowledge and innovative practices on climate change financing in the region. The objective is to accelerate reforms that help in better planning and utilization of domestic public and international resources, ensuring accountable mechanisms for their inclusive and equitable utilization, so that no one is truly left behind.